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Posted: 10-06-2004 13:17
by RaGe|DB
One thing that still surprises me (yes we know you're busy davidm) but deathball (far harder than any fps or sport game out there) has no tutorial :/
Air buccaneers, they have a tutorial, its not that hard, alien swarm, they have one. its not that hard, just make little objectives, I know it's planned among other things but it IS important :/

Posted: 10-06-2004 15:08
by Inphidel
word, I said on one of the news comments, that it would be cool to have a map that did a few things.

like first part you hafta shoot the ball a certain distance (which is met by a near full charge) if it doenst reach it the ball resets and it says somthing like "nice try but try charging the gun till near full"

then one where you just pass it across a room to a bot when he catches it says congradulations etc.

then one where you shoot into a smallish target to sorta get used to aiming. it would be pretty cool i think and pretty simple

Posted: 10-06-2004 15:57
by -=LyNx=-
gayvid said 2.0 would have a tutorial

Posted: 11-06-2004 10:22
by shadowboss
i also want a little tutorial. the one from alien swarm is really great and helps noobs into the game.

btw, RaGe|DB, have i asked you if you have some more material of the cute girl in your sig? :)

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:00
by The_One
When are people gonna quit asking that RaGe? lol

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:06
by RaGe|DB
... as soon as they found a better movie on kazaa... :/ and no shadowboss, I won't supply anything knowing that I was the main support factor of your sick fantasies

:mad: \o/

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:11
by DavidM
for now i will make a video tutorial (as a seperate download)

anyone wanna do a voice over? if you know someone who could, ask him

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:21
by METAFrank
someone british = easily understood by any1

(no offense :P)

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:22
by RaGe|DB
no zee germans! D:

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:40
by f1end
METAFrank wrote: someone british = easily understood by any1

(no offense :P)

as long as they speak "The Queens English"...

i.e. No brummies, Mancs, Scousers, Cockneys, Yorkshire puddings, Geordies, Flying Scotsmen etc.

Posted: 11-06-2004 11:52
by StRaFe
Muha that would be me then :p.Spot of tennis tea and crumpets imo!!!!11

Posted: 11-06-2004 12:07
by [1234]Jr
Originally posted by f1end
as long as they speak "The Queens English"...

i.e. No brummies, Mancs, Scousers, Cockneys, Yorkshire puddings, Geordies, Flying Scotsmen etc.

Shite :devil: I dont speak full geordie.. but you can imagine

1 "Waya doin'?"
2 "nowt.."
1 "alright.."
2 "busy?"
1 "Aye..."

ge' down t'town, be there in 'our!

...i fake a proper english accent when i got outside hartlepool, it's sad tbh :p

Posted: 11-06-2004 12:11
by Fruitcake
brummies own u :lol:

Posted: 11-06-2004 13:02
by Maegrim
get epic to hire the sexy announcer dave :D

Posted: 11-06-2004 16:21
by Morning*Star
what about black country?