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About the models

Posted: 13-06-2004 18:49
by RaGe|DB
Ok the thing I would love to see with these new models is a goali uniform

something like that, Its appealing in real games that the goalies look different and in DB its like the players are keeping


Like messy or onge said (I think) not dodging, but real saves like this
Dodged are a bit too static I think, real saves with fingertips etc would be nice, maybe add an extra element to it, pressing left + ctrl = stretched save
pressing left + alt = a block save.

the third thing:

I found it nice that in ut2k3 the defenders were mostly fat and the attackers had skinny models/skins. This made the attacker look slim and the defenders a bit stronger and it kinda fitted the entire def/attack thing.

think about it o/

Posted: 13-06-2004 22:53
by Bounty
i'm thinking more than one way to dodge is too much. . . lol it might even make everyone leave the mod entirely

about all the models, those are good ideas. . to me

Posted: 13-06-2004 23:38
by NitrousOxide
If a keeper was using the 'wsad' keys for moving, q and e could be added to the keeper control keys to give true dives as the dodge move (through double taps)...

q= top left
w= top middle
e= top right
a= bottom left
s= bottom
d= bottom right

While on the subject of keeping, I've always thought that it would be far more interesting if keepers were not able to catch the ball by default, as in they have to correctly time a press of a mouse button to hold the ball (otherwise they fumble it, similar to holding down secondry fire when passes to, but perhaps toned down a tad). Obviously, the key to a change like this would be to set a fair volley radius for the keeper:p

Posted: 14-06-2004 17:22
by RaGe|DB
little response, maybe mr M should respond

Posted: 14-06-2004 17:33
by n00bs_own_Madogg
Good idea, but lets think of those who use the Arrow pad thing too ;)

Posted: 14-06-2004 17:43
by R3L!K

what about in pubs when different players are keepers. you want people's models to change everytime?

click to catch is a bad idea. for newcomers and for most people in general, keeping is hard enough already. Harder than any other position.
ideas such as these as well as different direction dodge buttons will not make it any easier.

bad ideas imo

i think creating a custom animation for keepers would be more effective. so if dodges 'look' more like dives, it might be quite cool.

Posted: 14-06-2004 18:01
by Messy
Too much impact on computer if models keep changing :x

It's also less obvious than the yellow thing, and combining is obviously not going to work :)

As for everyone trying to suggest changes for keeper controls..why? O_o only to add more realistic dodges? lol

Keeping is hard enough :) and well, different models animations could be made for dodge I guess =\ shouldn't be hard, but should be priority ^^;

But how do you want a keep to stretch out so far and dive on the scale of a small deathball goal? :x he'd just be moving a slight bit in most cases (stopped by the post), in which he will have to unnaturally stretch out (aka actually spin sideways 90 degrees) in the air, to then land on his feet fully to go on moving o_O

...impossible =\ both wouldn't fit deathball, no matter how great they would be /o\ they would seriously damage gameplay :)

Posted: 14-06-2004 18:17
by Armagon
I agree with Messy.

Posted: 14-06-2004 18:47
by CripTonic
IMO, you should need to click right click while dodging only to catch it.

This would prevent "dodge whore" keeping where dodging regardless of where the ball is shot is caught because of lag. It just sucks into the keeper.

you would still save it but there would be a rebound.

Posted: 14-06-2004 19:28
by METAFrank
btw the shield belt effect on the keeper's skin was a good idea at the beginning, but making DB as independent as possible from normal UT would also require to make an own "keeper indicator"
Best was something like this in team colors

Posted: 14-06-2004 19:47
by Messy
Btw: something only slightly relevant:
I hate the way the colour of those that spawn is exactly the same as the colour the keeper gets o_O

And it's both kind of in the same area so it's confusing and generally not needed ;p doesn't look professional imo ^^; just a small thing.

And CripTonic: Dude, keeping is the hardest position already..please don't try to make it harder =)

Posted: 14-06-2004 20:00
by The_One
Server admins only need to turn of spawn protection to stop that effect, Messy. (I think)

Posted: 15-06-2004 07:09
by Maegrim
off topic: nice sig madogg (not)
bit large eh?

Posted: 15-06-2004 08:01
by Koning_Floris
A new "own" keeper aura would be nice. Teamcolor would indeed be a good option and maybe easy to make?

Posted: 15-06-2004 11:03
by Willei
Keeping doesn't need to be made more complex. It would frighten off newcomers no end, and it already does everything it needs to. A diving animation would be nice though. A new model would slow my computer down even more though, it already struggles enough with 2K4.