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ClearNight - beta #2

Posted: 06-07-2004 23:41
by Twigstir
Beta 2 Download:

Changes from the first beta:

-higher platforms
*More useful due to the height advantage
*Puts the fire more into play
-fire now has two pain zones
*get close = burned
*go into it and get really burned
-darker tree leaves
-better shadows
-timed sounds now a bit loader - birds, owls, ect..
-moved some player starts
-other minor adjustments

In another map I'm working on I had higher side platforms. I decided this map could also benifit from them since no one really used them. The are now double the height so you gain a real advantage using them.

The fire is now more reachable. I intended it to hurt or kill players depending on how close and long the player is in it. Another words, get hammered into it = you die. Get hammered through it and you take damage. I hope the higher platforms and fire make the map more enjoyable.

The map is on |BuD|'s for an online try.

Posted: 07-07-2004 03:40
by hookworm
You make GREAT maps Twigster

Keep up the good work!!!

Posted: 07-07-2004 03:41
by hookworm
btw you need to update some things in your readme, not that very many people even read them anyway though

but in case some newbie actually needs it

Posted: 07-07-2004 13:50
by DavidM
You make GREAT maps Twigster
You make MONOTONOUS maps Twigster

Posted: 07-07-2004 15:02
by Onge
Encouraging words from our esteemed leader... :rolleyes:

Posted: 07-07-2004 15:30
by Imaginos
I have to say that of all Twig's maps, I've never seen players try them, say "WTF!?" and leave the server.

On the other hand, Hole and Touchdown often get that reaction.

Posted: 07-07-2004 18:08
by Twigstir
As I update my maps, I'm also changing them. The new "Night" maps will be more seperated than the old ones.

Clear Night stayed similar to the old. I think this one looks better and I hope some minor changes make it play better. I got burned last night with someone coming off the platform right over my head to score. The higher platforms seemed to make a positive difference in gameplay of the map.

An Egyptian themed "night" map is currently being worked on.

Posted: 08-07-2004 13:54
by DavidM
Onge wrote: Encouraging words from our esteemed leader... :rolleyes:

im telling him forever to stop doing the same empty stuff over and over :)

Posted: 08-07-2004 15:04
by Inphidel
Don't listen to DM twig! euro's just don't understand!

twig maps 4 evuh!

Posted: 08-07-2004 18:50
by Wibble
So what exactly DO you want to see in db maps then David?

Posted: 08-07-2004 19:40
by DavidM
I mean something else, to me it seems that Twigster is stuck in development, the stuff ain't really improving from what I see from time to time

Posted: 08-07-2004 20:21
by Messy
Imaginos wrote: I have to say that of all Twig's maps, I've never seen players try them, say "WTF!?" and leave the server.

On the other hand, Hole and Touchdown often get that reaction.

He's got you there ;)

All those maps suck though :s
With the difference that Twig's maps get extra annoying because there's about 20 of them all pretty much the same eventually, whereas Hole and Touchdown are truly original, and although I don't like the first, the latter would be great if it wasn't bugged.

Posted: 08-07-2004 21:45
by GreyFox
ah cmon he is trying to help the community , and bums like u messy just ignore his efforts. if u dont like them, then dont play them.
typical messy style, "if u dont like my music then u sux , if u dont like the maps i like then u also sux!"
when there are serious players playing twigs map it is fun to play , and thats the bottom line