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Doom3 Gold

Posted: 14-07-2004 19:10
by -plær-
woot woot
Just read this on /.

*Doom3 is Gold*

UK release August 6th \o/ ...

Posted: 14-07-2004 19:20
by ray_MAN
\o/ It comes out on August 5th in the US. :E I can't wait! :D

Posted: 14-07-2004 19:21
by speedy
that didn't take long


Posted: 14-07-2004 19:27
by Fruitcake
omg this is teh game ive been waiting for.... gonna preorder it.. release date is supposedly august 3rd :X

Posted: 14-07-2004 20:13
by GreyFox
/me hopes that my amd 3200+ , 1024 ram , radeon 9800xt will be able to run the game smoothly -_-

Posted: 14-07-2004 21:09
by speedy
GreyFox wrote: /me hopes that my amd 3200+ , 1024 ram , radeon 9800xt will be able to run the game smoothly -_-
have fun with 0.13 fps :p

Posted: 14-07-2004 21:21
by GreyFox
thx, ill try ^^

they also said there will be no dvd version (at least not now)

"I know some gamers are hoping to use the DVD players on their machines for something other than watching movies, but there are downsides. For us the cost of the goods and the cost of the replication and having to make two masters just isn't worth it."

yay :/

Posted: 14-07-2004 22:06
by Messy
GreyFox wrote: /me hopes that my amd 3200+ , 1024 ram , radeon 9800xt will be able to run the game smoothly -_-

AMD Athlon XP 3200+ or AMD Athlon 64 3200+?

Err tbh, you're system will probably do good, regardless of that ;p

Posted: 14-07-2004 22:12
by The_One
I REALLY need to upgrade before I buy this game.

Posted: 14-07-2004 22:16
by GreyFox
for the record, its athlon xp ^^ :p

Posted: 14-07-2004 23:18
by DavidM
omg i dont expect shit :)
ID will never manage to make a really cool game imo
and i sooooo dont look forward to play it, and i wont...

Posted: 15-07-2004 00:18
by Fruitcake
^ no way.. doom 3 will own :) just hope me pc can take it on highest settings ^_^

Posted: 15-07-2004 00:23
by Rens2Sea
So far the best ID game is Doom 2 \o/
Hopefully Doom 3 will be fun.

Posted: 15-07-2004 01:01
by The_One
TBH I'm looking forward to Half Life 2 more than D3 but the game I'm most looking forward to is Fahrenheit (made by the same guys who produced The Nomad Soul if anyone here remembers that).

I'm hoping D3 will scare the shit out of me and hopefully have a bit of a story but I've got to admit its biggest attraction is the chance to ogle at John Carmack's latest engine.

Posted: 15-07-2004 01:06
by sergeantduke
Looking forward to Doom3 more than Half Life 2. The only thing I'm looking forward to in Half-Life are those huge 3-legged robot things.