DBL ladder or league?

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Ladder or league?

I think that Deathball League should start again.
I think that the DBL should become a ladder.
I have trust in the ESL ladder so there's no need for a DBL.
I don't want a league nor a ladder.
Total votes: 34

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DBL ladder or league?

Post by Sixty »

Well, since it seems DavidM is not letting the community choose, I though i'd open this myself and see what the majority wants.
Vote and post your reasons.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

*waits for DavidM to tell people what they _really_ want and disregard the poll*

*points out what a disappointment the past few DBL seasons have been with teams dropping out and people attempting to get default wins left right and centre*

*rests case for a ladder squarely on DavidM's head*
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Post by DavidM »

ehm, as i said
DBL will be a league, with only few teams in each division, short seasons

alongside of this we can have a ladder

so nobody can complain
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Post by Sixty »

That will sure bring the community together, half of them in a ladder, the other half in a league. Not a solution.
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Post by Fooman »

Ladder would be better, IMO. I hate when teams drop out. Ladders make that less likely.
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Post by R3L!K »

i think both is a good idea.

short leagues to keep things interesting and a perpetual ladder so we can have some seedings.

or maybe it can be arranged so that league matches count for the ladder rankings too.
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Post by Rino »

YOU are not understanding THE BASIC QUESTION about LADDERS SYSTEM in DB....
TEAMS have never played ladder games, even when we had a DB LADDER in Clanbase site... Same for db-community ladder....
But TEAMS played DBL and my CUP Dbsmackdown... and they enjoyed it ...

I think a good cup and a short league like the last one, with groups, well organized and supported by a good site, maybe with a server prize, would work much better
Last edited by Rino on 20-07-2004 01:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by R3L!K »

I seem to remember teams playing ladder games in the past. maybe i'm going crazy tho.

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Post by Rino »

ye i agree with R3L!K btw, the both could work... only ladder SUX
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Post by Cenotaph »

only ladder imo

Y make leagues anyway? there must be a reason y almost no game provider uses it for their competitions :S
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Priior's point is a good one.... quoted here for truth:
re: league/ladder

before coming to db.. and before going to cs.. i (and a few others here) used to play a q2 mod called expert ctf. it was very similar to db inthe sense that it was a niche community.. 100-200 ppl.. everyone knew each other etc...

the way we did things was: we had 1 ladder. the ladder was always on. no seasons. (a few "vacations" (like xmas week etc..) and then.. once ina while we had quick tournaments to keep things spiced up. it worked for 4 years. dont see why it would here.

all we need is one euro ladder, one NA ladder. (teams can interjoin if they want to).

the way the ladder works.. clans onthe bottom challenge clans on top. (u can only challenge up to a set spot above you (2? 3?), ie, team #8 cant challenge team#2.. can only challenge team#7 or #6)... they play.. if they win.. they take their spot.. if they lose they remain where they are.

this way.. doesnt matter how long uve been on the ladder, anybody starting on the bottom.. if they develop the skills..they can work their way tothe top in a matter of weeks/month.

a ladder is easy to run, easy to keep track of on the website, and much less headache than a seasonal league.

a ladder would also encourage less experience teams to join in.. because they wont have to be exposed to the harsh morale killing sessions of the top spot keepers...

in the meantime.. we have #dbmixer going as an experiment, hopefulyl it'll facilitate the incorporation of the pub community into the mixer community.

problem with the past is thata lot was planned.. much less was done.. let;s start witht he action.. and plan later. start a ladder! i can help out withthe rules..

And Rino, before the DBL, there was the clanbase ladder - teams played games on that, so your point is rather moot. The reason people didn't play in ladders when the DBL was running is because there was an "official" competition. I think the DBL should be a ladder with league/cup stuff alongside it, with the focus on the ladder rather than the special competitions. You've seen how poor the last couple of DBL seasons have been.

DavidM, if we had an official ladder then I think that would attract more new teams than a league, because people could join at any point they wanted, and get challenging people immediately. You could even have obligatory matches which are auto-selected by the system, like they have on the ESL if you want teams to play more. Just a thought.
Last edited by Catalyst88 on 20-07-2004 10:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sixty »

Priior's system was exactly what I was thinking of.
New teams can join at any time, don't have to work 3 seazons to come at the top.

And although I disagree with Rino's main point, his cup worked well, so I suggest a main ladder + every month a cup.

edit: Rino, ease down on the CAPS, quite hard to read.
Last edited by Sixty on 20-07-2004 12:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by <_Kapi_> »

Sixty wrote: Priior's system was exactly what I was thinking of.
New teams can join at any time, don't have to work 3 seazons to come at the top.

And although I disagree with Rino's main point, his cup worked well, so I suggest a main ladder + every month a cup.

edit: Rino, ease down on the CAPS, quite hard to read.

It's not priior's System!!!! ...he stold it!!!:lol:

Don't worry priior I won't let ppl lie about you!!! im here for j00!:p
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Post by Inphidel »

i vote for the 1 ladder system as mentioned above!

someone get to coding the website now1 NOW NOW NOW!
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Post by -plær- »

simple ladder is by far the best way to go.
The issue with the esl system is that it is bloody complicated, which makes it an exercise in maths just to figure out what you will achieve if you play a game.

League makes it impossible for new teams to quickly drop in, and if another team loses interest in the game or breaks up, it is easy to remove them without fucking up an entire division.

so, basically, *what priior said*