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When did you start playing DB?

Posted: 21-07-2004 15:58
by Catalyst88
Just interested :).

EDIT: I grouped them into what i approximately see as the "ages" of DB... so the poll might be slightly lopsided.

EDIT #2: I R 0.9 kiddie :lol:

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:02
by BL44T
tried it first somewhere at 1.2 or 3ish i dunno, started playing fo real at 1.4b

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:07
by Messy
Started in 0.9

Reason nobody knew me then is that until 1.3 I only played 1on1's on my own server with MaKa and played botmatches :o (silly me :))

So, as BL44T put it: 'I started playing fo real' in 1.3 8)

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:11
by xiller8r
0.9 online, not very often though.

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:21
by DavidM
i added a 0.8 option for myself :)

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:23
by BL44T

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:24
by Catalyst88
DavidM wrote: i added a 0.8 option for myself :)



Posted: 21-07-2004 16:24
by Imo
I think it was 0.9 or 1.0 on the 123/4 server... I fortunately had a week off work that week and wasted it all we playing DB.

Posted: 21-07-2004 16:45
by Messy
DavidM wrote: i added a 0.8 option for myself :)

Shouldn't you have been playing since '0.1' as everyone seems to claim he has? /o\

Posted: 21-07-2004 17:00
by DavidM

first playable version was 0.8
only other person who kept playing db and played 0.8 was sga...but he was never really playing db tho

Posted: 21-07-2004 17:18
by l0afz
0.9 yo

Posted: 21-07-2004 17:18
by Onge
Since 1.3 if I recall correctly...

Posted: 21-07-2004 17:28
by The_One
0.9 and I can't believe I love it just as much as when I first started.

Posted: 21-07-2004 18:19
by Titanium
started to play with db at version 1.6 \o/

Posted: 21-07-2004 18:19
by Morning*Star