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Problem with radar

Posted: 30-08-2004 06:13
by shadowboss

i tried to create a map for deathball. my only problem is the radar. i did it like in the tutorial (edited with photoshop, created alpha channel,.....) saved it as .dds file with alpha and imported it into ut2k4.

i see my radar in the texture browser. it looks like it should (without a black border and transparent). in the db_radar actor i click on 'use' to use this texture. everything looks fine.

but as i start my map, the radar is invisible. i see some spots (players and the ball) but no background.

what was my mistake? can you help me?

Posted: 30-08-2004 07:12
by Twigstir
Sounds strange. Did you save it as DXT3? Import with alpha box selected and mipmaps deselected? Sure your alpha channel is a true gray? Set the distances correctly in the radar actor?

I've never had that proplem so I'm fishing. Any additional info and even a pic of the radar and alpha might help.

Posted: 30-08-2004 10:39
by shadowboss
hmm, my playfield looks like this:

top: 3072
bottom: -3072
left: -3072
right: 3072

does that sound correct?

Posted: 30-08-2004 10:48
by shadowboss
btw, if i import a texture, i have to import it to a package. to which package should i import it?

after closing ued, it asks me to save the package because it has changed. should i save?

Posted: 30-08-2004 12:22
by shadowboss
here is my radar file. please have a look at this:

Posted: 30-08-2004 12:37
by fro
import it into the package myLevel (the capitalisation is important), that saves it 'in' the map, meaning anyone who downloads it will only have to drop your map into their maps dir, and not fuck about with moving .ut_ into the other dirs. (this also applies to any textures, sounds or meshes you make and wish to package with your map).

iv just got back from a festival so iv only quickly looked over the map in ps, but it looks fine, im guessing the fact why its not saved is due to you importing it into a package that is discarded on exit from ued.

when closing ued, dont save any changes to the package0/1/2/x packages, as that has a tendancy to screw with other stuff. Imports into to myLevel are saved automagically when you save your map (providing they are used within your map)

VVV messy: soon i will start a petition to have you made offtopic only. start adding useful information or dont post. :)

Posted: 30-08-2004 14:57
by DavidM

I suggest reading my hint section in the tutorial or the sticky thread here, the part about radar sizes.

Posted: 30-08-2004 15:06
by shadowboss
@davidM: ich kapiers nicht, ich gebs zu. kannst es mir kurz in deutsch erklären bitte?

meine map ist 6144 hoch und 2688 breit. was soll ich da beim radar einstellen?

@davidM: i have to admit, i don't get it.

my map is 6144 high and 2688 wide. which numbers should i insert in the radar thingy?

Posted: 30-08-2004 15:20
by DavidM
4096 immer, und den radar so anpassen dass er auf ein 8192x8192 passt, (aber halt klein)
so wie bei smallcube, das nur ein viertel einnimmt, da die map größe der radargröße angepasst sein soll

Posted: 30-08-2004 15:29
by shadowboss
ok, jetzt hast mich total verwirrt :)

kannst das bitte nochmal für einen vollidioten (also mich) erklären?

bis jetzt hatte ich keine probleme mit dem mappen, nur bei dem radar haperts.....

Posted: 30-08-2004 15:31
by DavidM
grml lies das tutorial nomma sorgsam durch, wirst schon dahinter kommen.
hab keine zeit für große erklärungen jetz

Posted: 30-08-2004 15:57
by shadowboss
ok, trotzdem danke.

werds heut abend probieren - und wehe, es steht nicht so drin, dass ich es auch versteh! :D

nochmal danke

Posted: 31-08-2004 06:34
by shadowboss
thanx to everyone. i got the damn radar to work :)