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Posted: 31-08-2004 05:02
by DavidM
Thanks to all for getting 2.1b and 2.1c so fast, playing it, putting it on their servers etc.
This testing REALLY REALLY helped us spot horrible bugs we'd never have found otherwise. (like the " thing crashing server, etc, you just cant expect this). And as I expected, we found major bugs within hours. One day can really get us all bugs we need to know about.

I hope we can go on like this in the future, it helps DB a lot getting better, way less bugs in finals versions, less moaning.
Well thanks everyone so far.

Posted: 31-08-2004 05:08
by Demolution
Not to mention it makes those noobs stop whinging about how shit DB is. :P

Posted: 31-08-2004 05:11
by CurvE
Randomn00b1: DB is such shite
Randomn00b2: Then why are you still playing it

And Randomn00b2 wins!

Why? Cause randomn00b1 doesnt know what teh fuck he's talking about o//

Posted: 31-08-2004 05:15
by DavidM
You are just describing yourself with Randomn00b1 to be honest! judging by all stuff you say....

Posted: 31-08-2004 05:34
by CurvE
What have i said? i have never said 'DB is such shite' I usually say 'Version*.* is shite' ... not the DB in a whole... thank you very much :]

Posted: 31-08-2004 14:51
by DavidM
No, you said "Sux tbh" about deathball 2004

Posted: 31-08-2004 17:25
by CurvE
No, that was the Version.... -_-

And no way in gods will have i ever said 'DB sucks hardcore, its dying' I have never said that in my whole DB experience, if you can get a log, i'll be amazed, and will stfu.

Posted: 31-08-2004 17:35
by FL-
What is the acronym 'tbh' everyone is using?

Posted: 31-08-2004 17:38
by Sixty
You should know that, To Be Honest.

Posted: 31-08-2004 18:24
by FL-
My apologies. I haven't seen it used before, or if I have, not as much as it's used here. Thanks for responding!

Posted: 31-08-2004 18:30
by Orbitul
Yah the euros are tbh crazy, tbh

Posted: 31-08-2004 20:27
by GoldenGun
no just the crazy euros

Posted: 31-08-2004 22:00
by Shev.npu
tbh for the gay spammers...or loc

omg tbhfhqwqfg
tbh idd
u suck tbh
LOL! that was funny tbh

strafe? bb? doubt ull see more saying it... tbh = teh gay

Posted: 31-08-2004 22:04
by FireCell
i dont really think us euros use it that much tbh..

Posted: 01-09-2004 00:54
by Diab
i use it in irc randomly, when typing fast or something.
