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Keeper replays

Posted: 01-09-2004 03:45
by TFO_Cloud
One issue that I seem to have noticed ever since I started on DB way back in 1.3 is the fact that keeper's get little to no recognition in game. What I've suggested to various people around NA with their consent and approval is to have Keeper replays, as mentioned in the title above. Of course, with the phase of the MSU contest near, this would be merley an afterthough on the almight Davidm's agenda, but I would still like to see this implemented in future releases.

My idea has a few holes in it, but there is also a lot of room for feedback and variations of it by the developers and ultimately, the community itself. Say a keeper makes a great save. If we see this happening, we press a certain designated key, such as L or something similar. If more than, say, 5 votes on a good save occur, the previous 5 seconds will be recorded and played back at the end of the game, or the next goal replay.

I'm not sure if this is possible, but maybe this voting process can only be done after the goalie has received the ball from the other team (in effect, a save),in order to prevent spamming of the feature.

Please take this into consideration.

Posted: 01-09-2004 03:50
by Dream Killer
Well your right keeps don't get enough love. However, the games are already too slow and too long in my opinion and adding in more replays with just make it worse. I don't see where it will get enough support to be implemented, but hey, I have been wrong many times before so we shall see.

Posted: 01-09-2004 13:37
by Diab
i find the replays on goal are great but somehow too slow, it would be nice if there were like 75% speed instead of 50%

in the original celebrations you ran around in 3rd person that kept the feel of speed in the game constant, now at a replay everything goes matrix and as cool as it is, its too much of a pause. just speed them up a notch davie <3

and yes keepers need a bit more attention, theres not meny who like to keep out there and you seen how bad a pub can get when someone wants to play attack instead of keeper. what about callouts like "Great save by blue team!" when the keeper catches a ball with i dunno, over a certan speed over certan distance? "Excellent deflect by the red keeper" its more like comentry lol

Posted: 01-09-2004 20:49
by Demolution
Yeah, this is bullshit.... the keeper does more work then the mid, def and attackers and what do we get in return? JACK SHIT! :P

At least put some work to make the keeper section recognised as a player or as a team. :)

Posted: 01-09-2004 21:22
by R3L!K
the idea of keeper related replays have been suggested before. I think in general people agreed keepers need more praise but that they didn't want to make the game slower either by extended replays.

I think the idea of a keeper specific announcments is a good one and if it's done right (ie only for decent saves) then it would be a nice addition.

Posted: 01-09-2004 21:53
by DavidM
didnt read anything here

it wont be done, same happens for defenders, you will never see their good scenes in replays. the game doesnt know whats good or bad. and who watches endgame replays? :P

Posted: 02-09-2004 00:15
by <_Kapi_>
DavidM wrote: didnt read anything here

Like that's a SURPRISE.... we can tell that just by playing 2.1c ... KTHX!!!:lol:

Posted: 02-09-2004 05:06
by TFO_Cloud
DavidM wrote: didnt read anything here

the game doesnt know whats good or bad.

which is what i explained in my fucking post.

Posted: 02-09-2004 05:08
by DavidM
Oh dear, nobody can be arsed with pressing keys during saves for that. It's gotta be determined by the game, which is not really possible in many cases.
And it would be a big waste of time for us, we have pretty important things to do.

Posted: 02-09-2004 06:36
by Esorcismo
you could say that any save that involves a dodge is considered a great save... but that leads to retards just dodging to see their save on replay... yeah, agreed that there are better things to take care of

Posted: 02-09-2004 10:59
by Shev.npu
i would like to have a camera angle on a goal replay to see it from keepers behindview0 so if i say THRU ME people can see what i see when the ball goes through my screen

Posted: 02-09-2004 23:30
by Diab
well daid you could have said something about all the ideas instead of your casual flame.. ?

gg deathball, i understand you want db to be great and not have problems but at least don't jump the gun.

*edit* shev: if your spectator in a game and theres a replay you can still change camera aka goal cam or free cam, its very nice.