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problems with shake and volley in 2.2?

Posted: 16-09-2004 16:16
by ruumis
Since I installed 2.2 (or maybe it was that latest UT2004 patch?), I have had two distinct problems that have adversely affected my gameplay.

#1 - the "shake" (hitting a ballcarrier just before he is about to shoot/pass, making a buzzing noise and causing his shot to go wide/high) no longer seems to be present! Or at least, it has been severely tweaked... maybe the window of time has shrunk a bit?

#2 - maybe this has to do with locked passes no longer going toward the receiver's feet, but I am having a very hard time volleying now, especially when in mid-air. I hold down the right mouse button when a ball is passed to me, and instead of volleying, I just catch it. This has been extremely frustrating, especially in VO games.

I have spoken with a few people and it seems I am not the only one experiencing these two anomalies. Can anyone offer some insight into these problems?

Posted: 16-09-2004 16:31
by Inphidel
#1 ) the shake - only lasts a little while. so if you hit soemone while he is chargeing, he can still charge his shot long enough for it to come out unshaken. sometimes its best to wait a short moment while they are charging before hitting them.

#2) unfortunatly the new pass lock system has had some strange effects, now knowing Davidm and his dislike for VO games. this passlock makes it harder for the regular click pass -> volley (third jump volly move anyway) the benifit however. is it takes more skill to pull of a blind pass volley. by the passer using his charged shot aiming the ball just below you. or the vollier jumping to the side rather then over the ball.

all in all. just takes a little practice to get used to these things. o/ don't fret m8 and keep trying you'll get it eventually

Posted: 16-09-2004 17:17
by DiStUrbeD
it's still possible to third jump volley, it just takes some anticipation. If you know they guy is gonna pass, jump up, and start fading back. Volley the ball when needed.

Shake has always been like that, if you hit the guy and he holds charge for long enough, he holds it past the shake time (I think its like .6 seconds or something)

Posted: 17-09-2004 09:20
by f1end
From what you said, u mean bounce-volley, as opposed to a normal volley. (holding right-click)

To do these, the ball needs to be infront of u.
I believe the new lock system introduced in 2.1b (ish) makes it slightly harder to do this.

But then i don't know the code, and I don't seem to have trouble with it...and I'm a bounce whore

Posted: 17-09-2004 18:12
by indio68
I have problem with ping when 2.2 released (and in the beta before it).
And at night there are only 2 or 3 server ...why??
I'm playing in italy ...and this servers are often in USA (so my adsl sux a lot).
I 'm sure that the UT2003 version run very well , instead on ut2004 (like the UT game ).:eek: