How to make Deathball more popular

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How to make Deathball more popular

Post by f1end »

Play it!!!!!

Yes, you, the ones who all sit in dbpickup constantly whinging that publics are crap and that pickups are the only way to get a good game.

Have you ever considered that if about, say, 10 of you just go on a public server together, you'd get a good game, and it would make the community look bigger cos servers are full.

The quality of play on public servers would improve if all the good players that avoid them actually played on them.

I reckon if we had a couple of months, at least, where pick-up players frequent the publics regularly, the community would grow far faster.

People like to play games where there are lots of players, and lots of servers.

Just a thought...:hmmmz:
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Post by DavidM »

i'd definetely be there

what if someone on dbpickup says "lets go public" and then we've got 20 people just joining pubs? i mean you dont have to stay for a full match, nobody bans you etc.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

What if someone disables the bot for an hour or so a night?
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Post by Messy »

Someone fix my connection :'(

I <3 Pubs (because I can play at my own level :D)
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Post by Onge »

I remember playing on a pub with f1end the other day with a few other JUICERS. T'was good. OK, pubs can suck, but they can also be a lot of fun and it is very nice to play the other maps for once (the Cube only mentality of most pickup-ers really pisses me off).
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Post by NightBoY »

then go play pub :)
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Post by Ashleh »

I made a post just like this: ... adid=16347

I must agree publics are dying for the experienced. However, there are lots of "new players" so we got to promote something somehow!
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Post by fb.shev »

err i see no resemblance ash O_O

and yes.. cata plz disable the bot for some days.. admins make the pw's stupid so everyone can know or wateva (ad abuse, i know gs dont like it) and join pubs instead of pickups.

though.. most probably that it will be only us who plays the publics but if a noob does look he will join and get alot better

banning = all we need is one admin to take control of losers.

davidm, cata plz?
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Post by The_One »

I agree completely f1end.
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Post by Imo »

Onge wrote: I remember playing on a pub with f1end the other day with a few other JUICERS. T'was good. OK, pubs can suck, but they can also be a lot of fun and it is very nice to play the other maps for once (the Cube only mentality of most pickup-ers really pisses me off).

Yeah, it was fun on the other maps. IceDemon and Green was great. :)
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Post by Cenotaph »

its sad to see ppl here replying that servers should be crowded with experienced players, and then, while playing in pubs all they do is insult n00bs instead of helping them...

help the n00bs that want to play the game and u'll get better pub matches, and a larger community, kthx...
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Post by R3L!K »

it would be nice if the so called experienced players don't totally stack the teams either.

fat chance though.
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Post by Fragger »

im always with kermet and some other dbplayers on pubs,some of them dont want to come to mirc not get the damn program so what now? :/
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Post by Achilles »

call em n00bs:p
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Post by fro »

ill be hopping on the juice rotation server again tonight, last nights november match was a right treat, to both watch and play in.