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Posted: 26-09-2004 14:50
by Requiem``
Murf o/

well well, after the ex-loc pack yesterday on the market, u can command the Murfo-Pack today \o/


- a Fragger, Dodging specialist, playing Keeper or attacker, kinda clean, a bit spammy but usefull when needed
- a reQQy, chance waster specialist, playing sweeper or attacker, who can only blame fragger when he misses everything.

Wanna buy it now? nothing easier, just contact one of the 2 named ( fr` or Kapow|reQQy-^ )

:lol: :p

Posted: 26-09-2004 15:48
by Fragger
Come one come all \o/

Posted: 26-09-2004 16:11
by Mongeh

Posted: 26-09-2004 20:23
by Rino
rofl nice :) good luck