What modifications do I have to make to my UT2004.ini to get the following command to work?
ucc server DB-Cube?Game=DeathBall.DB_DeathBall?Mutator=UT2Vote47.UT2VoteX
I was running my server with -mod=Deathball but with the installation of UT2Vote, I have to start it using the above command line. I'm fairly certain I have to add certain things to my UT2004.ini file in order for that to work, but I'm not sure what.
Starting server with ?Game
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One
I just saw your post on the atari/ina forums. Please contact me ASAP for a better long-term solution to the server side restrictions on changing your commandline.
Last edited by Imaginos on 05-10-2004 21:09, edited 1 time in total.