Title: Touchdown Bay
Version: 1.00
Description: The size is about half-way inbetween Touchdown and Small-Touchdown. Forecast: foggy, with intermittent showers.
Author's Notes: Thanks go to MarZer for his Dynamic Weather realistic weather utility.
I originally wanted to use my own static meshes in this map, but I couldn’t get the export utility in Maya working.
Changes from beta:
-Lowered fog brightness, much easier to see radar and ball.
-New version of DWeather.
-Attackers can no longer suicide to get back on defense (midfield and defense still can).
-Fixed TeamSay locations.
-Fixed orientation of goalevent fireworks.
-Various other tweaks, etc.
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DB-Touchdown Bay
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DB-Touchdown Bay
Last edited by sergeantduke on 29-10-2004 00:17, edited 1 time in total.