all in their first beta. game play is essentially the same, but different themes and such to keep them from getting boring. I personally like cryptic the best. its actually inspired from an unreal CTF map Bridge Of Fate or whatnot
not enough feed back. lemme post more screen shots. i'm curious what else i might wanna d to this map. like caronnas maybe? emitters for the lights on the floor hmmm
the only thing i noticed was that in ArenaBall and Cryptic when the ball got close to the celing it reset instead of bouncing off of it. And just being as that there is a celing it would make sense if the ball bounced of of it.
ha, well it might look like their is a ceiling but there isnt - i tried to mimic most of the aspects of cube so ppl if and when they ever play this one a pub would get used to the idea of how league style matches are, on a smaller scale. (less running)