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OpenSource of DB?

Posted: 20-03-2003 21:30
by Progman
I saw on the News, that the DB-Team is searching for coders. What about making DeathBall OpenSource via a CVS-Server.
So all Users, which want help, can browser through the Sorce and can check it about bugs i.e. . Or study the code for new features. It's hard to study the code via the .u-File.

DavidM, why doesn't u comment your Source? It's hard to understand, what some lines do.

In the Class DB_Quart, Method GetShootVect, the pre-last line
"Dest += StartLoc;", what does it do there? If i see it correct, it has no effect.

p.s.: when does the 'prefered position' and 'prefered number' will be implemented?

Posted: 20-03-2003 22:27
by TNSe
But DB is "open source" in that fashion, anyone can go in and view the code as with any UScript based code.

If you have suggestions for fixes, that can be mailed to DavidM or me.

Change that line in DB_Quart and see if it has effect. (it does)

When we have the time to implement those, they will be implemented.

Posted: 21-03-2003 04:37
by beefsack
i think he means opensource in the sense that every code update is put online when it is done and ppl can read it and debug it, instead of at each release.

Posted: 21-03-2003 05:16
by night
i think he means is in the sense that people can make their own versions to make the game what they want it to be so we have 30 versions of db being played on 30 different servers.

and if its 'open source' they wont get bitched at for stealing code. so he is makin sure first.

Posted: 21-03-2003 06:56
by beefsack
nah, open source is a wide community of ppl contributing to the one project. it seems to work rather well.

Re: OpenSource of DB?

Posted: 21-03-2003 12:07
by Tonnberry
Progman wrote: DavidM, why doesn't u comment your Source? It's hard to understand, what some lines do.

maybe because its not his code? :)

TNSe is our coder, so its obviously his code...

Posted: 21-03-2003 12:26
by DavidM
beefsack, as night said....
that would finally be DB's death!

Posted: 21-03-2003 13:45
by TNSe
night wrote: i think he means is in the sense that people can make their own versions to make the game what they want it to be so we have 30 versions of db being played on 30 different servers.

and if its 'open source' they wont get bitched at for stealing code. so he is makin sure first.

This is why you make MUTATORS.

Deathball.u should only be supplied by us, or you will have a lot of unhappy players on your hands.

Just look at some of the already existing mutators, gibball, custom skins for balls, hot potato, I'm sure I missed some. If you want to do a minor tweak for your server, make a mutator :)