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Posted: 15-03-2005 03:20
by garg
This has nothing to do with the source CODE here. Think about other meanings of the word.

Posted: 10-05-2009 19:59
by goldeneyezz
Dude, im really stucked here.
Do I only need to figure out what "source" i need to look at?
I changed the url and got a page saying "it is not here, its at the source", but i believe this means nothing, right?

Posted: 10-05-2009 20:02
by frkyjenn
what you got was an egg.. telling you that you need to go to the source.

Yes, you need the source (why would we give you that clue if it was a lie?)

Posted: 10-05-2009 21:50
by goldeneyezz
I cant figure it out...
Im thinking relations with the JPG filename and comment at source code.
Im at least thinking it right?

Posted: 10-05-2009 21:54
by frkyjenn
You need to go directly to the source. It's the only place that can help you.

Posted: 10-05-2009 22:15
by goldeneyezz
yeah! got it.
well, i would say i was misleaded a long time ago and spoiled my head...

Re: Level 66

Posted: 12-08-2009 07:29
by Telkari
Does this use the program that was involved in 31 to find the 'source'? (Hopefully that won't spoil anything.)

Re: Level 66

Posted: 12-08-2009 07:34
by frkyjenn

Re: Level 66

Posted: 12-08-2009 07:43
by Telkari
:? Okay, thanks, I'll keep looking. Found the easter egg, but rest=? haha.

Got it =D Definitely took some different thinking of the word.

Re: Level 66

Posted: 08-09-2009 12:17
by manelinho
This "source" is related to the pic or notpron itself?

Re: Level 66

Posted: 12-09-2009 12:23
by Kisa
You don't need to become a gardener for this :) So no, not the pic.

Re: Level 66

Posted: 15-11-2009 23:55
by Ecce
Ok, got the 'good idea, one page ahead'...and then what?!?!?!?! Next green doesn't hold a single clue..

Re: Level 66

Posted: 02-12-2009 14:36
by Ecce
Ok, a little bit ahead, I'm looking among the pr0n, I have to remember them all!?!

Re: Level 66

Posted: 02-12-2009 18:41
by frkyjenn
no need to 'remember' them all :)

Re: Level 66

Posted: 02-12-2009 20:01
by Ecce
Means I got to FIND them...sigh...

Nice to see someone still alive :D