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Hint 1

Posted: 04-06-2005 13:15
by Kisa
See something you already met earlier?

Hint 2

Posted: 04-06-2005 13:16
by Kisa
Interesting title, isn't it?

Posted: 25-05-2009 09:42
by JuniorC
A little stuck here...anymore hints?

Posted: 25-05-2009 09:45
by JuniorC
haha nevermind! solved!

Posted: 25-05-2009 12:38
by Cowley
Did ya cheat? ;)

Posted: 26-05-2009 06:59
by JuniorC
no lol

i had the first hint solved easily

i just didn't understand what i should do with the <removed>

to be fair i already spent two hours looking at the puzzles, i thought i had to find out where <removed> resided (per pw hint)

but yeah, one of those times that after you post a question, you kinda realized how dumb you are and how you were going the wrong way

Re: Level 77

Posted: 14-11-2009 19:29
by Taurah
Is there anyone I could pm with my brilliant ideas? I think I might finally be on a somewhat correct track but don't want to risk spoiling accidentally,..

Re: Level 77

Posted: 14-11-2009 19:54
by frkyjenn
you can pm me..

Re: Level 77

Posted: 07-06-2010 21:31
by J.A.N.
We are stuck (again ;) )!

We had brilliant ideas - but none worked :(

Are we really supposed to use both, the picture and the title?
We recognized two things in the picture and we know where/which level we met them before. Is there more we should recognize? Everything (expect the title) seems so obviously related to Elvis.... Is it more important where we met the two things or what they are?

Is there still somebody we could pm to?


Re: Level 77

Posted: 07-06-2010 22:03
by frkyjenn
You can pm me.

Re: Level 77

Posted: 07-06-2010 22:05
by J.A.N.

that was really, really unfair!!!

It's been 77 Levels since we read the rules the last time!!!! We never used capital letters for username/pw - but we thought the password box this time was a clear hint for capital letters. wrong.... :(

we were so bored that we just surfed on the notpron site while listening <removed> ... good luck we came across the rules again .... ._.


so our brillant idea finally worked.

Re: Level 77

Posted: 11-06-2010 11:58
by manelinho
I am in the same situation as J.A.N. but with no brilliant ideas yet, at least none that worked when small cased.

Still not sure if the two things we met early are clues to the levels themselves, the methods we used there or the themes they refered to...

For instance, the <spoiler removed> relates to <spoiler removed> or to the tool I used to find it a few levels past?

Re: Level 77

Posted: 15-06-2010 23:15
by Zirael
Just figure out where you met this stuff before, and think what the title says...
and after that all you need is gOOgle :)

Re: Level 77

Posted: 16-06-2010 00:03
by frkyjenn
manelinho wrote:I am in the same situation as J.A.N. but with no brilliant ideas yet, at least none that worked when small cased.

Still not sure if the two things we met early are clues to the levels themselves, the methods we used there or the themes they refered to...

For instance, the <spoiler removed> relates to <spoiler removed> or to the tool I used to find it a few levels past?

Just where you first saw them is important.

Re: Level 77

Posted: 10-02-2013 16:04
by Zaitor
Just arrived on this level... 76 was awesome! :D
Anyway, this is the first time I feel completely stuck at the beginning of a level. I know where I've first met the things on the image, I've read the hint on un/pw window, but I still have to find a connection between all the pieces I have...
Maybe it's just a stupid question, but... do I need the levels where those two couples of words were first discovered, or do I need the levels I reached using those words?

EDIT: Nvm, solved!
I was thinking too complex, actually is quite simple :D
The key is in the title ;)