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Karma Ball question (Push)

Posted: 12-12-2004 13:46
by theberkin8or
I hope this isn't a repeat question but how exactally does the pushing of the ball work in the demo you sent us/ how is it going to work when the game comes out.

I can think of a couple ways that would be fun but then a one or two that would sux.

it would be nice to have something like rmb bounce but with a whole lot less power to allow a player to move the ball away from himself but not to throw it all the way accross the field.

on the other hand it would be horrid if there wasn't a way for you to control whether or not you push or caught the ball. or if some how it brought the n00b cannon back

Posted: 12-12-2004 15:05
by DavidM
when the speed relation between ball and you is lower than 875 you will not bounce it, but push it...
so either by holding altfire or when you already own a ball and touch another one (multiball).

you can dribble any ball, but that takes skill, you have to bounce it down to slow it down, you know...

Posted: 12-12-2004 15:28
by theberkin8or
for a little reference how fast is 875 ( i don't know much about unreal units) would you have been able to bounce the ball before at this speed? what speed is a pass going.

i am hoping this won't nerf bounce too much as it is fun to play with (even if it is not very pratical a serious game)

Posted: 12-12-2004 15:36
by DavidM
full power shot is something like 1800, same for pass

Posted: 12-12-2004 22:37
by mpratt
Im kind of thinking that good players will find a way to use pushing in a game. Both the bounce and the push of the ball are directional. And I noticed DavidM in that video was allready looking down for a spit second as he pushed a ball so he could stop it quickly. So I figure they will use it, somehow.

Posted: 12-12-2004 22:38
by DavidM
We just have to make sure its not abusive and a dribbler gets slowed down...

Posted: 12-12-2004 22:55
by CorDawg-
should do a physics video with like 100 balls falling down a chute :P

Posted: 13-12-2004 10:55
by Koning_Floris
But what about the noobcannon. Seems to me it will be reintroduced by the look of this movie.

The rest looks pwnage btw :D

Posted: 13-12-2004 13:01
by Onge
DavidM wrote: We just have to make sure its not abusive and a dribbler gets slowed down...

Glad to hear it. I was gonna suggest this...

Posted: 13-12-2004 15:43
by DavidM
-New Ball, correct physics, Karma Support
-New push mode that allows pushing the ball with altfire when its slow enough (otherwise it bounces as usually)
-New Multiball mode, you can set the amount of balls you want to play with (default 1), when you own a ball and touch another one, the bounce or push mode will be used on that one
-With that comes an option to set if the game goes on after a goal in multiball, or if it stops at that point, for all to respawn.
//-New Model attachments, customizations possible now
-Ball no more going through you when you fire it while being close to the wall or looking at the ground
//-New volley-banana. When you volley the ball while having altfire held, depending on the angle where you hit the ball, it will spin

-Noob-Cannon console msg <-- when you try a noob cannon (which will not work) you get a msg "DavidM says: No Noob Cannon"

Posted: 13-12-2004 16:42
by R3L!K
sounds to me that this new system will give a little better close quarter control.

Dribblers and attackers are gonna love this

Posted: 13-12-2004 19:02
by theberkin8or
personally i don't see why you don't just put a limit on how long a person can push the ball by making the ball contentiously slow down as it is being pushed. it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have people pushing the ball around long distances. Give it enough distance to be used as trapping the ball out in front of you so you can run on to it in soccer but make it is so it is going slower a slower (you know the friction thin) so you catch the ball after maybe 5 steps. This seems like it would solve your problem and still give use an interesting new tool to use.

also i don't understand your obsession with preventing any kind of dribbling. the reason the first type was abusive was that once mastered you could do it every where and had a chance to beat defenders every time. Any form of dribbling that requires use of the wall or possibly amazing skill from a pass and is still quite risky (because you don't have control of the ball and people are boosting back). In fact this type of dribbling could increase team work instead of hurt it as players could use primary pass to pass balls that would be easier to dribble such as in a through pass in soccer/football.

Posted: 14-12-2004 18:23
by Diab
anything will add new gameplay, its all worth trying out :D

since dribble was removed and banana was added, its basicly been the same untill now \o/

Posted: 14-12-2004 18:41
by fb.shev
/-New volley-banana. When you volley the ball while having altfire held, depending on the angle where you hit the ball, it will spin

omg, dont tell strafe that....

Posted: 14-12-2004 19:00
by Messy

Although I'm still quite sceptical about the whole banana-volley thing, all of this sounds so incredibly sexy :D lol

It's good to see maybe people will also start using primary fire only (w/o altfire) again.

It definitely took a lot more skill, and it's currently pointless to not hold alt-fire all the time when attempting a volley :\