How fast do you think and click?
Posted: 28-12-2004 19:27 ... point.html
Post best times here...
So far my best is 3.261
It's addicting, especially if you're at work on a computer that can't handle anything terribly graphical. =P
1. Esorcismo (3.261) [-0.036 from last best]
2. loafz (3.288)
3. fb.shev (3.669) [-2.279 from last best]
4. Morning*Star (3.810)
5. Sixty (3.923) [-0.709 from last best]
6. {UFO}Viper (4.097)
7. canash (4.217) [-0.619 from last best]
8. GazMaN (4.250)
9. beefsack (4.453)
10. dildo (4.956)
11. RaGe|DB (4.983) [-0.080 from last best]
12. Austin^13 (5.253) [-4.481 from last best]
13. Rens2Sea (5.303)
14. `Ghost` (5.718)
15. Messy (5.931) [-0.272 from last best]
16. speedy (5.949)
17. DavidM (5.984)
18. -plær- (6.360)
19. Krew`LyNx (7.028)
Honorable Mention: CorDawg for cheating using a macro and getting it down to under one second
NOTE: This has been locked as the final leaderboard... thanks to all who participated!
Post best times here...
So far my best is 3.261
It's addicting, especially if you're at work on a computer that can't handle anything terribly graphical. =P
1. Esorcismo (3.261) [-0.036 from last best]
2. loafz (3.288)
3. fb.shev (3.669) [-2.279 from last best]
4. Morning*Star (3.810)
5. Sixty (3.923) [-0.709 from last best]
6. {UFO}Viper (4.097)
7. canash (4.217) [-0.619 from last best]
8. GazMaN (4.250)
9. beefsack (4.453)
10. dildo (4.956)
11. RaGe|DB (4.983) [-0.080 from last best]
12. Austin^13 (5.253) [-4.481 from last best]
13. Rens2Sea (5.303)
14. `Ghost` (5.718)
15. Messy (5.931) [-0.272 from last best]
16. speedy (5.949)
17. DavidM (5.984)
18. -plær- (6.360)
19. Krew`LyNx (7.028)
Honorable Mention: CorDawg for cheating using a macro and getting it down to under one second
NOTE: This has been locked as the final leaderboard... thanks to all who participated!