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How fast do you think and click?

Posted: 28-12-2004 19:27
by EsorcismoNJD ... point.html

Post best times here...

So far my best is 3.261

It's addicting, especially if you're at work on a computer that can't handle anything terribly graphical. =P


1. Esorcismo (3.261) [-0.036 from last best]
2. loafz (3.288)
3. fb.shev (3.669) [-2.279 from last best]
4. Morning*Star (3.810)
5. Sixty (3.923) [-0.709 from last best]
6. {UFO}Viper (4.097)
7. canash (4.217) [-0.619 from last best]
8. GazMaN (4.250)
9. beefsack (4.453)
10. dildo (4.956)
11. RaGe|DB (4.983) [-0.080 from last best]
12. Austin^13 (5.253) [-4.481 from last best]
13. Rens2Sea (5.303)
14. `Ghost` (5.718)
15. Messy (5.931) [-0.272 from last best]
16. speedy (5.949)
17. DavidM (5.984)
18. -plær- (6.360)
19. Krew`LyNx (7.028)

Honorable Mention: CorDawg for cheating using a macro and getting it down to under one second

NOTE: This has been locked as the final leaderboard... thanks to all who participated!

Posted: 28-12-2004 19:32
by speedy

Posted: 28-12-2004 19:44
by fb.shev
You Clicked all the blocks in 5.948 seconds

ok ok, I admit it... ur a freak!

yay beat speedy :(

Posted: 28-12-2004 20:03
by DavidM

Posted: 28-12-2004 20:09
by Sixty
4.773 \o/

Posted: 28-12-2004 20:20
by RaGe|DB
You Clicked all the blocks in 5.063 seconds

ok ok, I admit it... ur a freak!

Posted: 28-12-2004 20:32
by Austin^13
10.094 WIN

Posted: 28-12-2004 20:48
by fb.shev
You Clicked all the blocks in 3.669 seconds

Wow, you got the moves!

Posted: 28-12-2004 21:08
by Sixty
4.632 \o/

Posted: 28-12-2004 21:15
by RaGe|DB
make pics guys

Posted: 28-12-2004 21:25
by EsorcismoNJD
The road to under 3 seconds

Posted: 28-12-2004 21:45
by fb.shev
png win btw

Posted: 29-12-2004 01:21
by l0afz

Posted: 29-12-2004 01:33
by dildo
6.5 or smth is best :(
*deit* You Clicked all the blocks in 5.481 seconds

ok ok, I admit it... ur a freak!
yey :D
*edit2* You Clicked all the blocks in 4.956 seconds
Dude... impossible
k phew :)

Posted: 29-12-2004 02:52
by fb.shev
ur post got an automatic update or sumthing?

1.337 newest