
Look for maps, show your maps...

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Post by fro »

D-d-d-double post!! This is what DB-Hole was about 3 hours before Dave wanted a prettied-up map for 2.3, the goals got removed and it got tweaked a little, this is what i originally wanted it to be.

Its slightly larger than echo, and a bit smaller than cube*. Visibility should be better than hole, and the bots should be less retarded. This sentence marks the end of the laughably short description and acts as a bridge for the obligatory screenshots.

Green is the flavour of the day

Download link (1.5 french Megabytes)

As with all of the maps iv posted today, they can be grabbed as a group: here , and have been mirrored to the gs.net redirect.

Download and enjoy. or not :)

+ - Best played when wearing socks.
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Post by `Ghost` »

\o/ gg fro b: nice maps o: Atlantis my fav :p
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Post by Imaginos »

Yada, yada, Snagging, redirecting and adding to the BuD servers' New Maps button.. yada...


I'm more than happy to see some maps in here. Came to the forum in the slight hopes that someone got the itch to create some. Thanks Fro!