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Making Of Book!
Posted: 01-03-2005 13:25
by DavidM
It's done, 106 pages full of fun (or so).
It costs 9,99€ (which is 12,50$ and 7,00£).
For all details and the demo version (16 pages) check out:
Posted: 01-03-2005 13:38
by junimond_

perfect david!!
Posted: 01-03-2005 13:40
by aic2276
What's that break down to in american
Posted: 01-03-2005 13:51
by 3Diablo7
help for all levels awesome
Great job
Posted: 01-03-2005 13:56
by triper

You made a really great job David.
Posted: 01-03-2005 14:02
by WeeMan
Excellent, well worth it for the enjoyment.
Now I can see if I did some of those music levels correctly! There was heavy reliance on the forum at several stages.
Cheers DavidM & team.
Posted: 01-03-2005 14:14
by veryhardgame
Where do you buy it? I don't see it in either shop.
Posted: 01-03-2005 14:18
by DavidM
click the link!
Posted: 01-03-2005 14:23
by veryhardgame
Oh, for some reason it wasn't showing up in my browser
btw, do you just email it when you buy it because it says to email you your full address? email address?
Posted: 01-03-2005 14:28
by DavidM
you get me all your info, the agreement and the money. then I send it in some way you want it
Posted: 01-03-2005 15:14
by theCrusifix
all i can say is wow, not too long ago you came up with the idea of making the book! and now its done, i really hope you get everything coming to you! Your definatly deserve every penny! I'm sure many non computer users gained great knowledge from this, and many people like me that enjoy working puzzles especialy if they include using the pc! I will when i get the spare money be purchasing the book. (kinda hard on a college guys budget)... you have kept me entertained for about 3 months now, and have given me the great opportunity to keep the message boards clean and spoil free. I shall serve you well

you effin rock...imo
will edit if i spoiled you, heh
Posted: 02-03-2005 02:22
by DavidM

Posted: 02-03-2005 05:11
by aic2276
Some really funny stuff on the preview. Really enjoyed the riddle so far. Am willing to buy, just don't know the dollar amount for american. Will look up the exchange rate though.
Posted: 02-03-2005 05:13
by veryhardgame
$20 in US
Posted: 02-03-2005 05:15
by aic2276
thanks. Well worth it. Only i think there should be a version withou spoilers ofr people who have not solved it yet.