Transparency of lower right radar

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Transparency of lower right radar

Post by moonhead »

I've noticed recently that the radar in the bottom left sometimes gets obscured - depending on the lighting and my position on a map. Sometimes gets very difficult to see players dots cos the shield cannon is showing throught the radar.

Is their a way to decrease the transparency of the radar, so it is more solid and hides the shield cannon more ?
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Post by DavidM »

that depends on the alpha map of the radartexture...-> no, cannot be changed
but i fixed the cube radar, its easiert to see now...
less transparent
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Post by Surge »

on some brighter parts of maps, like the blue wall on low cube, the central radar is incredably hard to see.. is there any way to make it less transparent or darker?
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Post by DavidM »

same story
-> nope
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Post by FlawLezZ »

btw there is a bug in the radar system
If i press escape and go to the radar settings and i put ""see own teammates"" off

Then you still see the names
Dont wanne see the names only teh HP