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1.7 = Best.db.version.ever!!!!!!!
Posted: 01-04-2003 00:53
by Surge
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg !!!!!
/me wets self with excitement!!!!
Posted: 01-04-2003 01:18
by Tonnberry
heh what did you expect?
Posted: 01-04-2003 01:28
by Fooman
Finally found a way to please Surge. Lol.
Posted: 01-04-2003 01:34
by SpikeBall
but its BETA, or all servers are using it?
Posted: 01-04-2003 01:43
by NaB
dag nammit, gimme a change list
(one with ALL the changes in it pls
Posted: 01-04-2003 02:03
by theberkin8or
don't need no change list this is pure db heavon, omg 1.3b looks like crap compared to 1.7
Posted: 01-04-2003 02:33
by Surge
1.7 change list (without exact values):
shot power at approx 2000
volley power at approx 6000
pass power approx 1200
volley range for all about 1000 uu's
new score board (doesnt work but you'll see what it'll look like)
havnt seen the shoot bug yet
decreased hitboxes to like 10 uus it feels like
150% run speed
i think thats all...
Posted: 01-04-2003 03:08
by [BF]Weisso
no shootbug is great, this version is the greatest in SmallCube
Posted: 01-04-2003 04:54
by DavidM
I do all to get my little orange worm happy!
Posted: 01-04-2003 05:08
by Surge
woah woah woah... little orange worm? I assume you mean my avatar which is actually Earl, from Tojam & Early who were the original homeboys.
This version is geting a "Homie" on my Funk-o-Meter (thats a good thing)
The funk-o-meter (which i may later use as a scale) is a basic scale from 1-10 in accending order:
(unranked, they never really had a name for it but it was there)
As a joke, fun thing to play, 1.7 is great but in reality it would actually be very good if more mass was added to the ball (so it didnt bounce so much) people were at normal size and no low grav as a real game version. Everyone i'v played with today said it totally kicked ass. If you slowed it down to about 4/5 its current speed and reduced hammer radius i think DB would DEFINATLY be a Funklord type game. 1.7 is very bluntly put "stupid fun" which can actually be very well played depending on how a team works together.
oh, btw, can you put up a link to just the 1.6 deathball.u file? i dont really want to DL 10.5MB of stuff i dont need.
Posted: 01-04-2003 06:19
by beefsack
it was funny til i saw the new AI
omg, what an incredible improvement! even though it was a bit fuxored cos of the other, um, additions, i greatly look forward to the first serious beta. oh yeah, i love the new scoreboard too. can we have a real beta pleeeezz.
Posted: 01-04-2003 07:21
by Wibble
Confucious say........"bugger me, I cant wait for the new release if its _that_ good"
Posted: 01-04-2003 07:37
by BL44T
Oo wooteh.. i want a real beta :p
Posted: 01-04-2003 11:17
by FlawLezZ
Sounds great
Posted: 01-04-2003 12:30
by Maegrim
it is!
the new implanted physics are so much better and the ball launcher rox j00