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Level MINUS 40
Posted: 23-04-2005 11:33

YAY It's Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time to go to Work!!!
Thanks DavidM!!
EDIT solved! Great level Jay! WAY to GO!
whats next???????????
lol hurry!!! need my notpr0n fix!
Posted: 23-04-2005 11:45
by Bazje
Time to riddle!!

Posted: 23-04-2005 13:02
by unrealtiger
Its up, i thought it never would!!!!!
Well done David!

Posted: 23-04-2005 13:18
by Drizzit

Posted: 23-04-2005 13:33
by Bazje

....I was working half an hour useless because 'it' gave me the answer sdrawkcab

Posted: 23-04-2005 13:45
by junimond_

good one jay!
Posted: 23-04-2005 13:49
by Jay2k1

Posted: 23-04-2005 13:53
by Bazje
jep, good one!
Posted: 23-04-2005 14:00
by Kisa

Posted: 23-04-2005 14:22
by unrealtiger
It was about time.Its difficult to read backward stuff.
Good one Jay :p !!!
Posted: 23-04-2005 14:53
by Bazje
I think I'm gonna read a book in the garden (in the sun!).......waiting for -41, pushing the refresh button every seconde, isn't a good idea I think

:D It will probably help me to get a broken arm, than giving me a new level!

Posted: 23-04-2005 15:11
by junimond_
lol - and it surely will crush davids log

Posted: 23-04-2005 16:57
by GhostsDaddy
I approve of this level! :p
Posted: 23-04-2005 17:01
by Veloxiraptor
Posted: 23-04-2005 18:22
by maestro
Very good, but not especially mac-friendly. But very good!
Edit: of course, there is always an appropriate website...