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Posted: 03-05-2005 14:50
by Inphidel
Hear our cry's! Even tho this poll will probably go unheard. IMO I think it's good to hear what everyone things.

seeing deathball no longer has a contest to impress upon. I think reverting back to the old models would be good just because it gives everyone 30 somting different ppl to choose from so everyone can have a nice different looking model and we can stop this attack of the clones crap :<

I like the new model and all. but hell, at this point of seeing everything the same over and over. i'd rather have the white shirt guys back cuz atleast they had different haircuts.

EDIT: This poll is requesting the Original UT2004 Models, NOT the white shirt old models.

Posted: 03-05-2005 15:02
by ruumis
let the rampant afro abuse commence!

Posted: 03-05-2005 15:21
by `Ghost`
by old ut2004 you mean Lauren etc right o: if so...


Posted: 03-05-2005 15:36
by Inphidel
Yes I mean original straight outa the box game models.

Posted: 03-05-2005 16:07
by The_One
I'd say yes but Epic left out Raw Steel. :mad:

Posted: 03-05-2005 19:58
by Goldeneye
as long as there is no proper replacement for the original models, i.e. some proprietery ones with an about equal level of quality and variety, i am clearly in favor of the original ones :p

Posted: 03-05-2005 21:09
by DiStUrbeD
yes, get rid of the scuba divers

Posted: 03-05-2005 21:11
by Da Spadger
Yeah! \o/

Posted: 03-05-2005 23:46
by `Ghost`
DiStUrbeD wrote: yes, get rid of the scuba divers

I knew they reminded me of something, couldnt quite put finger to it :p

Posted: 04-05-2005 01:04
by Messy
I want the new models .o/

die sind supar!1
:< can we keep those?


Posted: 04-05-2005 02:32
by InSaNe`
God yes.. please please for the love of god do it. Take 30 mins out of your damn life and just do it.

Posted: 04-05-2005 02:39
by Scotteh
I would love to see the new models built upon more but with the lack of support going into them atm it seems like the best option is to have the old models back. We don't have to completely throw out the new models, we could have both in.

Posted: 04-05-2005 02:52
by InSaNe`
I guess DavidM just doesn't realize how better DB would look with ut2k4 skins :/

Posted: 04-05-2005 03:12
by {UFO}Viper
I would like to see it only if they all had the same physical dimensions in the game world.

Posted: 04-05-2005 04:56
by beefsack
vote for old models, assuming 2.4, if it gets out, will be the last release for probably some time :(