Page 1 of 2 soon?

Posted: 16-04-2003 11:17
by f1end
Just askin cos noob-cannons are starting to really p155 me off...or at least, can u do a temporary 1.6b that is just 1.6 with no n00b-cannon?

Generally, most people don't exploit this "bug"...but when they do, it sux.

Posted: 16-04-2003 12:14
by jet2lag
hm - nobody can do a noob cannon while a defender is kicking his ass ;)

btw - i also think that there should be a self-volley latency time - but 1sec (as in "versions") is too much isn't it?

Posted: 16-04-2003 12:40
by theberkin8or
hm - nobody can do a noob cannon while a defender is kicking his ass

actually it can be done, i have seen a couple players that if you give them enough room for a shot they can put a cannon on goal

Posted: 16-04-2003 13:25
by jet2lag
well i think then the striker is good enough to shoot it in w/o a noob cannon too ... (?)

Posted: 16-04-2003 15:03
by DavidM
its all depending on tnse, he has to add the new weapon, i'll get him to reply here...

Posted: 16-04-2003 15:08
by TNSe
It's done when it's done.

Posted: 16-04-2003 15:46
by UrbanKilla
yeah just remove noob cannon and we can wait for 1.7 :)

cuz some team are abusing a bit with that and some defender are really pissed

Posted: 16-04-2003 15:57
by Fallen
If the striker can get the noob shot off, that means one of two things:

1. The Striker is very good at getting open and giving him/her-self room to shoot the noob cannon.

2. The defense is weak and doesn't pressure the opposition as it should do, but hangs backs and tries to intercept the ball for a turnover.

***Noob Cannon is a nuisance, its the defenders job not to let the striker have a good shot, letting the keep make a good save and not relying on him to bail the team out everytime.

Posted: 16-04-2003 15:59
by BL44T
By DavidM: i'll get him to reply here...
By TNSe: It's done when it's done.
\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ teh logics \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/

Posted: 16-04-2003 16:01
by f1end is far quicker to do a n00b cannon than charge up a powerfull shot...and the n00b cannon goes faster...yes the defence shouldn't give him that much space, but it isn't meant to be in the game, and IMO should be fixed ASAP.

TNSE...thnx 4 teh insight o_O...

/me nominates TNSE for "funny-man of teh year award"

In the mean-time...pls pls pls do a would only take you about 3 minutes wouldn't it...I'll even do it 4 u if ya want...after all it's just 1 value.

Posted: 16-04-2003 16:05
by DiStUrbeD
I think if a striker can n00b it past a defender thats right in front of him, more power to him. I find them easy to defend.

Overall, the n00b cannon sucks.

Posted: 16-04-2003 16:07
by DavidM
I'm sorry :/

Posted: 16-04-2003 16:14
by DiStUrbeD
Don't be sorry :D

Not your fault people take advantage of an overlooked part of the game :)

Posted: 16-04-2003 16:17
by BL44T
hmm i think he's sorry about TNSe's damn good answer \o/

Posted: 16-04-2003 16:24
by f1end
or maybe he's sorry for forgetting why the value for self-volley latency was there o_O
