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pillory for hoi lok wong/The_Hidden_Shadow/helpwanted

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:11
by DavidM
trying to get solutions for the cheatersforum and mr smart...master :D

in our forum here, he goes by the name helpwanted, and he's pm-ing everyone for answers

i find it rather cute :)

his email is
send your hugs and kisses there <3

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:14
by frkyjenn
I don't like huggin and kissin assholes...

can't I send him shit instead?

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:20
by DavidM
he is being weird
look what he writes (stuff in "" is his)

"um... how 'bout
stop scaring people with your emails! "

-why is this scary?

"never mind

can i tell you a joke?

so there was this guy who had nothing better to do, so he made an impossibly hard riddle to frustrate people
then later, hell just go send emails to scare the living daylights out of people "

-so you basically complain that the riddle is too hard? so why bother with it at all?

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:22
by frkyjenn
he's a moron?

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:23
by DavidM
you can only be scared by such mails if you know you are doing something thats not right, innit?
with a clear conscience this can't happen :>

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:24
by frkyjenn
Well even if you are doing something wrong.. who exactly is afraid of a guy who threatens them via an email.

It's not like you are standing on his front door step.

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:32
by DavidM
knowing his address...i might? :P
i just can't post it here, that would be too harsh imo

Posted: 03-11-2005 05:33
by frkyjenn

You are an evil evil man.

I think I love you. In a totally platonic way, ofcourse.

Posted: 03-11-2005 18:33
by BunnyS
Once again ... (in the style of the dude on simpsons)


Posted: 04-12-2005 23:15
by ily
Aww, poor hoi. If you`re reading this, you can always PM me. :D I`ll give you some answers you`ll remember for the rest of your life. -nodnod-

Posted: 04-12-2005 23:16
by Kisa
:lol: You're cool, girl! :)

Posted: 06-01-2006 14:47
by Kisa
Look what I found :)

Posted: 06-01-2006 15:31
by Runa
well. is the e-mail above for "public" use? or I am allowed to write him only if he pms me?? :D
well, we'll see.

[and if I am still playing with some little achievements it seems that notpron is not so impossible as our little "helpwanted" thinks...]

Posted: 06-01-2006 15:33
by Kisa
He's still here from time to time, using PM system only ...

Posted: 06-01-2006 17:26
by Eka
why does this thread need to be bumped?