think I have given up things like playing Final Fantasy 7 and others Squaresoft "old" RPG. (I love "old style" RPG, I wish I could play Eye of the Beholder but cannot find it - damn, me, went a bit

but I am not the one who is playing notpron 25 hours a day, and I sometimes work on some riddles (21 damn you I got the answer on my own, but Lothlinwen helped a lot!

) with a friend (is this a shame? I enjoy friendship while notproning, this is good
and helps to fade away sorrow while it occurrs... )
right. sorry for this mess-of-a-post. I am italian, you can see how much my written english... is awful.

//me barbarian, no know english civilization
uh, and sorry for the huge number of


forgive me, or erase the whole post.