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Fizzy = need clan

Posted: 24-04-2003 00:18
by gutterflower
just for the record, i am NOT gutterflower, we use the same account, thank you

Posted: 24-04-2003 07:22
by Kyllian
wtf...:confused: :confused:


Posted: 24-04-2003 10:20
by gesko
People can join .:MuR:.
The league has started and we need some players.


Posted: 24-04-2003 10:23
by Chrisfu

Posted: 24-04-2003 10:36
by Rens2Sea
Dude, you are in FCU :|

Posted: 24-04-2003 10:57
by L33FY

Posted: 24-04-2003 11:17
by -Camel-
Err, thx 4 tellin every1 else b4 u tell us fizz. Y an i guess, thx?

Posted: 24-04-2003 11:46
by Kyllian
Rens2Sea wrote: Dude, you are in FCU :|
Hence my "wtf??" earlier

Posted: 24-04-2003 14:05
by Rens2Sea

D i s t a n c e . i s . a . v i r t u zegt:
im sick of the bullshit im getting from everyone
D i s t a n c e . i s . a . v i r t u zegt:
so im just quitting everything
D i s t a n c e . i s . a . v i r t u zegt:
its not worth it

That was fizz

Posted: 24-04-2003 14:22
by Kyllian
O_o erm...

Posted: 24-04-2003 18:04
by [1234]Jr
Or was it gutter? ;) :lol: :ban:

Posted: 24-04-2003 18:18
by Maegrim
isnt it "virtue"?

Posted: 25-04-2003 09:55
by -Camel-
so whats your reason for quitting?
<Fizzy> people being assholes to mne
<Fizzy> and this not being good for my health

Wat a fantastic reason eh? :|

Posted: 25-04-2003 11:26
by Chrisfu
ziffy. Turn the z into an F and the f's into z's.

/me yawns

Posted: 25-04-2003 11:27
by BL44T
\o/ Chris /o\