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Ultimate showdown!

Posted: 23-12-2005 17:39
by RaGe|DB

Posted: 23-12-2005 18:40
by Jelly
oh yes
Godzilla, Abe and Batman together in one flashmovie


Posted: 23-12-2005 20:06
by Messy
It has Sonic, Samuel L. Jackson and Chuck Norris!

Best flash movie after End of the World! (most likely not.)
Still great :D

ps: Where's Darth Hitler? :(

Posted: 23-12-2005 23:11
by beefsack
broken :(

Posted: 23-12-2005 23:27
by Jelly
To bad


Im the evil green grinch played by Jim Carey.

Merry Christmas.. SUCKERS

Posted: 23-12-2005 23:59
by slimshady
lol :D

Posted: 24-12-2005 03:21
by Catalyst

Posted: 24-12-2005 09:10
by CripTonic
man his official site went down shortly after the flash video...

this shit is spreading like wildfire.

Posted: 24-12-2005 12:16
by Sixty
That was awesome. Who the hell is Rogers though?

Posted: 30-12-2005 02:31
by fb.shev