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Happy New Year :D

Posted: 31-12-2005 19:50
by BunnyS
Just wanted to say have a good one :D


Posted: 31-12-2005 20:37
by Catalyst
Happy near year everyone :)

My new year's resolution: Bring the world X-Ball.

Posted: 31-12-2005 23:47
by R3L!K
too early cata

Posted: 01-01-2006 00:38
by speedy
hapy new year in 20 mins for the uk

Posted: 01-01-2006 00:45
by Faldion
Happy new year 105 mins ago for the East European Timers \o/

Posted: 01-01-2006 01:01
by R3L!K
forgot about that.

a happy new year everyone

Posted: 01-01-2006 01:25
by speedy
omgzg happy new year

Posted: 01-01-2006 02:09
by slimshady
happy new year guys

Posted: 01-01-2006 12:07
by ily
Happy new year to everyone! :D Hope you partied hard last night.

Posted: 01-01-2006 13:00
by blue23
Happy New Year everyone!

Posted: 01-01-2006 13:09
by DavidM
lots of love and peace to all of you in the new one

Posted: 01-01-2006 15:11
by [GR]Kermit
omg Happy New Year

Posted: 01-01-2006 21:18
by Messy
Happy new year :)

Hope your bodies are all doing a bit better by now ;p (after all the partying obviously)

Posted: 01-01-2006 21:23
by fb.shev
dont ever gurgle after-shock!!! (the 40% nit 20% lol ) it burns outy your throat LO l

Posted: 01-01-2006 22:38
by BunnyS
I'm NEVER gonna drink again ^^