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Posted: 11-01-2006 02:20
by TehArabianHamburglar
My name's ben, i'm 12 years old, and started notpron a week ago. I'm currently on level 21 (will change soon) and I just wanted to say that I was showing this to my math teacher and he said that the person that made these shouldn't be, he should be in some super genius lab or something like that.
So, David Münnich, you're a genious, and I wanted to thank you for the great time so far.

Posted: 24-01-2006 01:55
by Kisa
That's the prove: Even teachers like notpron

Posted: 24-01-2006 02:11
by DavidM
I just wonder what is being done in a "super genius lab"
Plus I keep saying that over and over, because all accuse me of being a genius: I am not, I couldn't even solve this shit on my own. I am just a more or less creative game designer who can design a fair, interesting game. Those people solving my game, they are geniuses.
Tell that your teacher, and ask him what people do in super genius labs

Posted: 24-01-2006 02:24
by snackbar
yes i am, thank you for the acknowledgement david.
Posted: 24-01-2006 02:27
by DavidM
Posted: 24-01-2006 02:35
by digg
he was acknowledging that you called 'him' a genius lol
Posted: 24-01-2006 02:35
by snackbar
"Those people solving my game, they are geniuses."
Posted: 24-01-2006 02:37
by snackbar
why do people think im a "he" for cripes sakes. Maybe I nweed to draw a big set of hooters on my avatar.
Posted: 24-01-2006 03:06
by dodireri
Is your avatar supposed to look like you?
But David, you are a genius for thinking of making this, and making it so well.
Posted: 24-01-2006 03:12
by snackbar
well it has a dress. mind u it could be a guy with no pants too. so maybe that is me.
Posted: 24-01-2006 03:14
by dodireri

Looks like a flared shirt... pants fashion moving up to shirts.
Posted: 24-01-2006 03:17
by snackbar
yeah, just showcasing my artistic talent.
Posted: 24-01-2006 03:19
by dodireri
The colours are nice
Showcasing my gluing un-talent with my avatar

Posted: 24-01-2006 03:20
by frkyjenn
This should stop the "he" thing
Posted: 24-01-2006 03:24
by snackbar
lol, can i use that?