DeathBall Glossary

Everything about Death Ball.

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DeathBall Glossary

Post by Imaginos »

Puppies: Term used to describe two or more teammates who are stumbling over each other trying to get the same ball.
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Post by Messy »

gg DavidM: Said whenever something odd happens related to a bug, glitch, or design error or design choice that is not beneficial to the game in the opinion of whomever is saying it.

\o/: Not specifically Deathball-only (it predates DB), but used whenever something good happens. This does not necessarily have to be a goal for your team; it could also be any failed attempt or even an enemy's goal that just looked good or caused the game to be 'fun'.

/o\: Opposite of \o/

n1: "Nice one", usually used for goals that looked nice or impressive.

ns: "Nice shot" or "Nice save". Said when a shot was either nicely put or generally well done, or when a keeper saves a (good) shot.
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Post by DavidM »

vovnrer: Used like: "aim at the vovnrer" - Cause: David typing in a hurry

egg aim: Used when Eli misses the empty goal once again....
gg becomes egg, because david can't type properly, because the ball is flying at the vovnrer of the goal that he is keeping in
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Post by DavidM »

had: means "I DID save it, your goal doesn't count...I own, you don't...blame the laggy shit davidm"
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Post by EliCA »

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Post by DavidM »

x_X: Used to express the frustration about (eg) Eli wasting a clear chance once again
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Post by Ashleh »


When I used to score when i was dead :D and had such nice volleys from all over .. :P
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Post by EliCA »

1 ... n+1 : used to count David's overpowered shots :p
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Post by DI »


volleyhoe : whoever keeps on hitting the ball instead of catching it

wallhoe : whoever keeps on shotting the ball on the wall, mostly used to make a volley shot. Wallhoes, sometimes, are also egos (see next word \o/ )

ego : egocentric

nubcake, noobcake : like noob (newbie), it's used to insult players which are playing bad. This word was invented by a db player, Khushdi, during a match with Fruitcake about 3 years ago(aw :o).

rmb pass : passing the ball by clicking Right Mouse Button which makes an automatic pass.

lmb pass : passing the ball by using Left Mouse Button (hold to charge,then release) which allows players to make custom passes.

volley pass : passing the ball by volley.

ul : unlucky

mb : my bad

nail : whoever keeps on getting hammered every time he gets the ball.

Maybe ill refresh again.

Last edited by DI on 07-04-2006 02:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shinobi »

You can add the common ones:

brb: be right back(common in the chat world)

bbl: be back later(common in the chat world too)

bs: bullshit

tbh: to be honest

lol: laugh out loud(used often)

lmao: laugh my ass off(used often)

omfg: Oh My F*** God

sry: sorry

and more when i remember them :D
Last edited by Shinobi on 07-04-2006 02:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by speedy »

speedy: OMFG OWNAGEofgm
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Post by fb.shev »

join ffs: rico/lec/some noobs who cant join the server when adding in decent time /o\

boostrick: wallpassing while boosting someone to meet the ball without giving someone opportunity

Broomie: same as up

Cross: come close and volley when released

---------------+=[BOOOOST]=+--------------- something or another of the annoying teamsay boost spamming noobies.

dribbling: shoot ground, catch (recently bouncing at floor)

PASS ME 3rd!!: old style strafe whoring volley from the 3rd jump

bounce: hold RMB when ball touches you

wallshot: shoot wall volley goal

noobcannon: shot at ground and a quick volley (i love it)

banana: curve of ball

sprint: disabled?: S... running basically.

raped: more than one person killing you at same time
Last edited by fb.shev on 07-04-2006 02:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

broomstick aka broomie: the 'tactic' or trick to boost someone into a moving ball in order to send him flying to the enemy goal (with the ball in possession). Was only possible before this was nerfed by causing people to drop whenever they get a pass (not on intercepts).
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Post by DI »

through : used by keepers when they doesn't catch the ball cause of lag or bug. Ball seems literally to go through the keeper.

td : touchdown, carrying the ball in the enemy goal.

vo : Volley only, a server setting doesn't allow players to score with normal shots. Ball needs to be hit or carried in the goal to score.

pl : packet loss, used to claim loss of packets, lag.

Last edited by DI on 07-04-2006 02:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

Thru: keeper excuse for silly fuckup
same as "had" basically (look above)