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Animal cruelty

Posted: 23-06-2006 19:15
by RaGe|DB
Shocking documentary..



Posted: 23-06-2006 19:39
by Messy
I'm watching it now..
It's a shame I'll have to watch the rest later (leaving for a party soon), but there are some quick things I want to say about this.

Animals (in general, yes) have always intrigued me, more so than children - watched upon by many as 'such pure, infinitely curious and honest creatures' - animals (specifically pets, yes) can provide a feeling of unconditional love, and their way (in general, yes).

This documentary does a very good job of showing how people see animals, and how utterly respectless people - especially those that handle animals for money - treat animals.

Why would it be ethically responsible to hurt and damage sheep to shave off 10 seconds of the time needed to shave them, just so we can earn money? Why is it apparently no problem to kill a fly or spider, just because they are 'there'? How can people be fascinated with what's going on in a circus, while all I can pay attention to are the scars on the horses, elephants and monkeys?

Why is all of this accepted, while at the same time I can't go into the streets and hit a retarded person to death with a bat?

If this is the first shocking image presented to you in this thread..I'd say you haven't understood a single thing about it :)

Posted: 23-06-2006 19:51
by Mighty Midget
I agree, Messy. I didn't see that documentary, I have seen more than I need of that already.

I'm no big fan of humanity, and this is one of the reasons. I believe we do this out of stupidity (stupid=not knowing) leading to greed and megalomania.
I don't want to get started on this, but I just wanted to get it off my chest. Basically, I see humanity (the intelligent, opposing thumbs version) as the greatest catastrophy ever to hit this planet. Actually, it's a mixed feeling thing. I detest us for what we do, but it would be awful not having the others there. Someone figure it out :D

Posted: 23-06-2006 20:06
by BunnyS
I got to about 18 mins and just couldn't bare to watch anymore :(

Posted: 23-06-2006 20:40
by snackbar
I'm taking your word on that bunny and not watching either.
Whenever there's mention off a story of animal cruelty on the news I quickly change it...I can't watch that stuff. Then I hug my cat.

Posted: 23-06-2006 23:03
by kewangji
Those who did the documentary suck (talking about the beginning, all I saw) but I've seen likely stuff before.

This makes me think of why men created societies, laws, and punishments. It's kinda freakish, more about it tomorrow, I can't quite formulate myself in the middle of the night.
night night.

Posted: 23-06-2006 23:42
by GoldenGun
That's why I don't eat animals.

Posted: 24-06-2006 09:56
by RaGe|DB
I found it hard to express my feelings, really.. I do..

I've always known things like these were going on, as every normal person with a certain amount of "world knowledge"

Yet, I've always failed to take action, or look this very problem straight in the eyes..

It's good this documentary is here, its GOOD that I finally get to see all the facts, where I've closed my eyes on..

While watching this I've been undergoing various of emotions, from sadness, to real anger.. Anger towards the humans in the movie, and mankind itself, and not to forget, myself..

Some quotes from this movie, along with various, if not almost all, footage, has a huge effect on me, how stupid that may sound...

Caged animals, beaten animals, shot animals.. Why? Because WE "as humans" feel we're in charge, we're boss..

How can it be that over 60 years after the holocaust, people still are emotionally shocked by this event.. While this, animal cruelty, is JUST as worse, if not exactly the same..

Why are we shocked by every terrorist attack, why are we shocked and dieply grieved by any accident that happens to our family, friends, or even people in a town? Why are we sad about the fact that we have deceases, yet we're so unaware, or selfish that we can't see the suffering of these animals?

It's beyond believe, beyond anything that can be called "sane" by the majority of humans..

Why can't we just see, animals feel aswell? What I found rather funny about the movie was when the elephant escaped from the circus, how SCARED the humans looked, by one.. elephant.. Imagine how the animals feel, imagine how we'd feel, if we're being looked at by a thousand animals, all with higher strength, quickness than us..

You could just see it as being in a sea surrounded by 400 sharks, try to escape, and they'll rip you.. So you're going to have to stay, for their entertainment, your entire life.. How does that sound?

As said:
"What animal would choose, to spend their entire life in captivity.. if they had a choice?"

And what animal would choose to have his entire family taken away, for money purposes?

What animal would choose to die a gruesome death, just so we can look fashionable?

IMO something HAS to be done, I won't say I'm going to kill whoever is doing this, that would make me just as much a marter as the people who are doing this. But can they still be called people? Can they still be called "god's" creatures? I doubt it, they're just as worse as A. Hitler, S. Houssein, and many of those seen as horrible dictators..

They're not people, humans, they're nothing..

Posted: 24-06-2006 12:11
by Messy
..They're animals!


Posted: 24-06-2006 14:06
by GoldenGun

as for meat, imo everyone is responsible for himself how his meal was 'produced'.

There will always be humans who will treat the animals worse than a piece of shit if they can earn money with it.

that was the main reason why I became vegetarian. and to be honest, it's nowadays, not really hard to have a life w/o eating meat. I imagined it harder for me to not eat meat, but I am surprised how easy it is.

Just check out how often you eat meat, there are people eating meat every single day. and if it's just the ham to the eggs.

If I can be sure that the animals are treated fair, if I can be sure that they have a life worth living and if I can be sure that they are killed without experience fear or pain it would be ok for me to pay more for it and have a nice steak once a week.

The humans are omnivorious.
They are not carnivores.

I guess I don't have to speak about the global problem of large-scale livestock farms. If the amounts of soya and corn which are produced to feed those poor animals would be used to make bread etc... you could nourish the whole world population about 5 times.

Also, it might sound weird, but the excrements emit that much gas that it forwards the green house effect drastically.

nuff said

Posted: 24-06-2006 14:28
by slimshady
i love meat

Posted: 25-06-2006 10:07
by kewangji
There's nothing wrong with human nature!

Too bad most ppl aren't humanish

Posted: 05-07-2006 00:06
by Messy
I strongly dislike the way 50s Hollywood films casually pitted lions against tigresses (or male tigers occasionally) just to add a bit of spice to the film..

Three examples:

edit: Four:

There's a lot of that, and still to this day people keep staging fights between animals to make a great video or to see which one wins..


ps: Tigresses always own lions :o interesting tbh :) You'd think lions were 'king of the jungle' etc.

Posted: 05-07-2006 08:26
by slimshady
lions are lazy

exactly like kings :D

Posted: 10-07-2006 00:30
by Cenotaph
hehe, that must be the reason ;)

its known that tigers are larger and stronger than any other species of felines.