Noobs, what do we do??

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Noobs, what do we do??

Post by H_I_T_M_A_N »

hey i aint goin to lie because there isnt any point at all, i just downloaded, well am d/ling deathball, and want to join a team, is there a newbie league or summet? if anyone can help me out it would be appreciated

foot note* Dont u just hate newbies?;)

holla peeps
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Post by FireCell »

mmm there are some more noobish teams out there but finding them will be hard. Best idea is to practice up and in pubs tell ppl u are looking for a clan as well. Usually u have to trial for a clan, but that only means playing a game or 2 with them b4 they let u know if ur in or not.

Post by Panda »

I advise you just hang around the pubs for a while to practice and raise yourself to a decent level of ability. As soon as you get good enough somebody will scout you and ask you to join their clan - simple ;)
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Post by CurvE »

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Post by Flauschi »

U don't have to do anything, there are enough clans who recrute without watching u. All who answer when u say "I'm looking for a clan" will take u, believe me =)
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Post by b00 »

Most ppl on the NA servers I see treat the new ppl like shit. My personal advice would be to join a fairly full server, spectate how people play (and demo if possible), and study them. THEN go in yourself. The reaction to a new person may not be the best, but it will be about 1000% better if they go in with a basic knowlege of what to do rather than going in with nothing.
Posts: 263
Joined: 24-04-2003 03:09

Post by CurvE »

Incase you dont know how to demo.. open up console (default
key is "@")

Then type in "demorec" then the demo file name... "Default.dem"

e.g demorec Default.dem (note, it has to be .dem)

Then everything you do in spectator will be recorded, even the veiws through others eyes :)

Note: To play a demo, save the Default.dem file into UT2003 systems folder.. then load up UT2003 then go into console (do this on the main menu) and then type in "Demoplay Default.dem"

There you go, have fun :)