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/me switches rant mode on......

Posted: 12-05-2003 00:53
by Wibble
Right, time for a bit of a rant myself.

In my opinion, some db players have started to take things far to seriously......shock, horror, there are people who dont know how to play the game well


I mean but really - we all have crappy games where we might be seen as noobs. If you dont like playing with them then go to a pickup for gods sake. Whatever you do dont say to them...

"I have decreed that you, unworthy one, are not good enough to play with me". This is what some people seem to be suggesting.

To me it stinks of tossiness (a good word dont you think) .

Why on earth do you want to stop people from seeing how well the game can be played and learning from it. I've only been playing db for a while, and I know it would have taken me ages to get to my level if I hadnt been able to learn from the guys on the 123/4 servers.

Another thing that worries me is the abuse some people give to players.

1) Bear in mind that there is a wide range of ages playing the game (DavidM, is there a way you can blank swear words?)

2) You were there once

3) If you dont like a game, move to another server as there are lots

4) Bear in mind that what you are saying may well be driving away new players - which we need in this still small community DESPERATELY.

So please guys and girls, remember that you were once a noob. Treat them with kindness, help them, whatever and if you get annoyed then don't force a potential new player out of the game.

/me turns rant mode off (for now)

Posted: 12-05-2003 01:57
by Surge
i choose not to.

I refuse to accomodate my game and waste my time do help a player that may only play this game for a week and move on. I leanred on my own, we all did. The only difference now is that theres an actual skill differntial in DB and basically what your asking us to do it backpeddle to when we werent as good and try to help you even tho we all had to figure things out on our own, discover how to play from scratch and progressivly get better.

how bout no. My suggest is watch a real game play through then try and play. Play all the positions and find whats right for you and improve on it.

Posted: 12-05-2003 10:12
by Onge
Surge, how hard is it to say 'right click to pass' or 'don't jump if you want to receive a pass'? It's not hard at all. Get off your high horse and help the n00bs. It's people with your pathetic attitude that will kill off DB...Helping n00bs is not beneath anyone, least of all an arrogant fool like you...

Posted: 12-05-2003 10:29
by SuBBy
Surge wrote: i choose not to.

I refuse to accomodate my game and waste my time do help a player that may only play this game for a week and move on. I leanred on my own, we all did. The only difference now is that theres an actual skill differntial in DB and basically what your asking us to do it backpeddle to when we werent as good and try to help you even tho we all had to figure things out on our own, discover how to play from scratch and progressivly get better.

how bout no. My suggest is watch a real game play through then try and play. Play all the positions and find whats right for you and improve on it.
I suggest you read more carefully at the rant, he doesn't want us to "back peddle" he want's the community to pull together to make new players welcome to the game instead of smart comments coming from players such as "omg" "pass" "noob" etc etc...As for not having the time to help new people, that is low, if a person ask's a question about the game then have the decency to answer it.

Posted: 12-05-2003 10:40
by FireCell
Agreed helping noobs is the best thing to do, but what about the noob that ignores what u tell them. The one that u know if u pass to him he will shoot from 1/4 of the pitch with a half charged shot. Anyway i try to hide in pickups when they run so this only effects me once in a while.

Posted: 12-05-2003 11:43
by SuBBy
Yeah, slightly annoying, but obviously each person is different, one person won't know that "T" is to talk and not every new player will neccesarily speak English. A new player joined the other day and did the 1/4 power shots because they didn't know that the game included passing, when asked how to pass they were ignored until i noticed them asking as i don't read what is spoken that often. After this new player knew what pass was, they played well and should become one of the better players in the future.

help the n00bs!

Posted: 12-05-2003 12:38
by [RoV]WolfMan
i dont want all the players to show n00bs how to volley from outside the pbox into the net, but tell them how to shot or pass correctly and they will either learn it(how i did as i tried to play db... which was actually 0.9beta but whatever...) or they will shit on db and never get back on db-servers so they wont disturb you again. you just need to tell them the basics. you dont have to show them pro-tricks... they will learn them for themselves.
the prob is: right now i have 10 servers in my favorites list... most of the time it´s played on max. 3 of them... it shows either 2/10 or 10/10... no chance to join a running match.

Posted: 12-05-2003 12:49
by FireCell
Well due to all this, i am now going to be teaching most of an iCTF how to play deathball basics \o/ But they are american so i will have great fun trying to teach them when i have a nice big ping :)

Posted: 12-05-2003 14:38
by CurvE
there should be a someone who is classed as "head of training" and will be given a server and a IRC chan...and then n00bs will then come into the servers and then begin with training...simple as

Posted: 12-05-2003 14:50
by Inphidel
Surge wrote: i choose not to.

I refuse to accomodate my game and waste my time do help a player that may only play this game for a week and move on. I leanred on my own, we all did. The only difference now is that theres an actual skill differntial in DB and basically what your asking us to do it backpeddle to when we werent as good and try to help you even tho we all had to figure things out on our own, discover how to play from scratch and progressivly get better.

how bout no. My suggest is watch a real game play through then try and play. Play all the positions and find whats right for you and improve on it.

I thought you don't even play anymore because you hate how deathball is...

Posted: 12-05-2003 14:59
by Nero
CurvE wrote: there should be a someone who is classed as "head of training" and will be given a server and a IRC chan...and then n00bs will then come into the servers and then begin with training...simple as

I also had this idea. I think we should really make it true to give new players a chance to learn this game!

Posted: 12-05-2003 15:58
by Surge
maybe you have a different preception of how DB is played in Europe but over here the skill is very divided.

Your either a n00b, a common player or a good player. Unfortunetally unles you havnt played in like 2 weeks there are hardly any common players. Theres just the skilled and the n00b. Saying "right click to pass" or "dont jump around when getting passes" doesnt cut it. They dont listen and because of these idiots the people that want to genuinly learn the game suffer the fallout.

Give me a reason to help them other that 'so they dont whine' and i'll think about it.

On another note, i hardly every insult someone unless they are **lost** when playing. If they go up and down field, pass the ball, used charged shots and grasp what boosting is i have absolutly NO PROBLEM playing with them. Sometimes its actually more fun for me to play with these types of people because i get to play around and try new moves because if i do good stuff they may catch onto it and add a new move to a basic arsenal.

Ask anyone, i may be an asshole but its only to people i have no respect at all for or people that dont deserve it.

Re: /me switches rant mode on......

Posted: 12-05-2003 16:08
by DiStUrbeD
Wibble wrote: If you dont like a game, move to another server as there are lots

Last time i did a scan on ASE, there was 54.

At least, 35 of them are international.

I'm not going to play on a server that i ping 180 to, when i could play on a server that i ping 90 to, and there is one newbie in there ruining the game.
CurvE wrote: there should be a someone who is classed as "head of training" and will be given a server and a IRC chan...and then n00bs will then come into the servers and then begin with training...simple as

Good luck getting people to show up in there. It's a nice idea, but it wouldnt work out.

Posted: 12-05-2003 17:23
by Panda
Its all good and well people ranting about how new players are treated - we know theres a bad situation but yet another rant wont change anything. As some of you are probably aware there is a tutorial in production that Epic are heavily supporting and are funding (so you can pretty much guarantee that it will be of a high standard)

Another idea I heard the other day was from Fizzy suggesting an academy to train up new players. Obviously it would need to be clearly "sign-posted" so it is easy to find for new players but I think it would be a positive influence on the community and would help quicken the rate at which new players progress and would therefore decrease the size of the gulf in ability between the v3ts and the n00bs (did i just invent the term "v3ts"?).

I'm also thinking about a new feature for MOTD that would be something along the lines of a "Daily Tip". Many would argue that I'm not good enough to be taking that kind of "teacher" role but seeing as I am now in a position in which I can convey information to the community I feel I am as good a person to do it as any. Expect more from that one in the near future.

Posted: 13-05-2003 09:32
by RaGe*NL*
just help teh little noobies, *hug em* love em*, *kiss em *