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Notpron - Languages

Posted: 06-12-2006 17:24
by DavidM
Since so many complain about Notpron being in english etc....I decided to translate the first 11 levels into some other languages, to introduce more people to it.
They don't need to know english anyway since for the other levels, it's just about translating maybe 2-3 words.

And for all this I need people to help me with the translations.
I need 2 persons for all languages, so they can correct each other in terms of grammar and mainly style...which is very important.

Spanish [have 2]
Italian [have 2]
French [have 2]
Japanese [0]
Polish [have 2]
Portuguese [have 2]
Russian [1]

German is done by me already

So if you wanna help me, talk to me on icq: 62195198, email me (davidm at deathball dot net) or talk to me on the chat.
When you apply, tell me about your notpron status.

I will also need some PR help in those languages.
And yes...this job will be paid!

Posted: 08-12-2006 23:48
by DavidM
will be damn hard to find french and japanese guys out there, eh?

Posted: 08-12-2006 23:49
by Kisa
Well, HugoB isn't on the forum anymore ... that would have been the only French one I know.

Posted: 09-12-2006 02:19
by TheRaven
Hi there I just (yesterday) joined NotPron game community and I really enjoy it. I come from Poland and many of my friends like the idea but for some of them language barierr is too big so they cannot be familiar with the game simply because some of the riddles are too hard for people not speaking english.

Online games like that are pretty popular over here and Poland's Internet community is growing very fast nowadays so I think you should try to make polish version aswell. I finished only 13 levels so far (but as I said before - I play since yesterday) so I have no idea how much its based on english word-games in further levels but so far all the levels I finished are easy to make them familiar to polish users (well two and maybe three of them need something else than only translating hints/key words but still it gonna be easy).

But ad rem - I'm interested in all support I can give you to make polish version of NotPron if your only interested. Let me know what are your thoughts on it.

I'm going to stick with playing NotPron as for now and I will come to check if you answered in this thread tomorrow but you can also contact me sending mail to mpolak (at) inpoland (dot) pl .

Best regards!

/Maciej "Raven" Polak

P.S. I could be very helpful if you are looking for people to do same tasks from other countries if needed.

Posted: 09-12-2006 08:38
by snackbar
I can translate it in german.
oh wait, dammit

Posted: 09-12-2006 13:43
by DavidM
ok raven, i emailed you

Posted: 10-12-2006 00:52
by DavidM
Woop, I have a french team \o/

Posted: 10-12-2006 10:58
by przejanek
i think i can also help. Im polish - 33 lvl

Posted: 10-12-2006 14:29
by DavidM
Get on my icq then?

Posted: 10-12-2006 18:31
by chrisman
I'll do it in danish if you let me get past level -34 for free :D

Posted: 10-12-2006 21:56
by ko3a
I could translate it into Russian. It should be fun :).
We seem to never be on ICQ on the same time, so maybe it's best to use email. Mine is tarmishev (at) yahoo (dot) com

Posted: 10-12-2006 22:36
by DavidM
sorry, not interested in danish...otherwise i would end up doing millions of mini languages :(
im concentrating on the big ones for now, because its quite some work to do these already!

if i happen to get interested in danish, you'll be the man

Posted: 12-12-2006 01:40
by SuperCrw
SuperCrw is back :)

I can for sure do Swedish, but you might consider that a small language also, even though we are mightier than the danes. ;)

Posted: 12-12-2006 10:17
by Shenmue
I could help you with the Swedish part, but I do find it a bit unnecessary since Swedes generally are pretty good at English. Or perhaps I just think too highly of my country. :)


Posted: 12-12-2006 23:16
by MadMeister
Are you talkin about the brazilian portuguese or the portuguese portuguese?