What do you think of the necris race in UT2004? O_o or UT99 for that matter. Personally my favourite race and cant wait for UT2007 But how would you rate my work above on the necris scale? Crits welcome o; (And post which race you like too - any one thinking of posting juggernaughts dont even bother )
Raw Steel skins (Arkon in particular) were done for UT2k4 by one of the SkinCity community members. Not as good as the classic Raw Steel looks though. Type Arkon in the search box. I liked them too <:
@ Dommeh: Download the ECE Bonus Pack ! Metal Skaarj, Necris and Metal Guard. New Onslaught vehicles etc
Veins look much better now, yes? stubble and shading also changed... should be posting in the WIP thread on skin city X_x but I like broader crit input <:
`Ghost` wrote:
Raw Steel skins (Arkon in particular) were done for UT2k4 by one of the SkinCity community members. Not as good as the classic Raw Steel looks though. Type Arkon in the search box. I liked them too <: