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Put different player models in 2.3?

Posted: 16-01-2007 17:47
by Lord Usiega
Greetings (UK)

Hi, I just started to play this mod and I think its looking really good, except for the pretty queer looking player model selection and bots skins.

Is there any way to put the models I play with on normal UT (custom models) into deathball like in some of those screenshots because that would be perfect.


Posted: 16-01-2007 18:15
by DavidM
2.4 is the solution. Or should we patch 2.3 and release 2.3.5? :P

Posted: 16-01-2007 19:05
by Lord Usiega

So is it possible at the moment?
To put the normal models/ custom models in the mod.
Because those skins in the mod are pretty queer and limit the game.


Posted: 16-01-2007 19:13
by DavidM
yes, 2.4

Posted: 16-01-2007 19:18
by fro
i am the only gay in deathball and find your homophobia both distasteful and offensive.

Posted: 16-01-2007 19:55
by Lord Usiega
Cheers mate Ill try it.

Okay then i think they are "distastefull" models or "nasty" models.

Posted: 16-01-2007 20:12
by The_One
Nothing wrong with the word queer.

Posted: 16-01-2007 21:39
by priior
like this lord usiego comng out of the woodwork playing a 1.5 yr old version is pretty queer.

Posted: 16-01-2007 21:55
by fro
The_One wrote: Nothing wrong with the word queer.

me and the ""scene"" would like a word with you

Posted: 16-01-2007 22:11
by The_One
I'd come to meet you with gay abandon.

Posted: 16-01-2007 23:18
by DavidM
for real fro?
i fail to sense irony or seriousity on forums :P

Posted: 17-01-2007 00:36
by The_One
That's why God invented smilies.