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2.4rocks - bugs/comments

Posted: 05-03-2007 12:59
by Adversary
Some Bugs first:
  • Sometimes viewpoint can get stuck at the crouch height - not entirely sure how to reproduce it, but involves crouching and being boosted
  • Mid game joining can give incorrect ball height on the radar - e.g. happens if the ball is in the air when you join the server. Can the ball height not be calculated from the position of the ball spawn point and not the ball itself ? (don't know how these things work)
  • In addition, when the ball is rolling on the floor the ball height is usually -0.6 or -0.7 :P
  • Spawning and picking the ball up at the same time causes your gun to no longer fire. You must be killed in order for it to work again.
  • Sometimes the spectator layout has a quick moment where it says 'spawn as keeper' instead of using the old layout - well it happened once to me :\ nm
  • when ball is deflected off own teams back (e.g. you fire a lmb shot into the back of your own teammate and it bounces off) the ball then becomes impossible for your own team to pick up for a short moment
  • Firing a very low power lmb shot as keeper while crouching can cause the view to warp around. You need to die to make this stop - not entirely sure how to reproduce this
  • If you get hit and then, before the shake has ended, an enemy jumps on your head, the shakes combine and it has a jittery spasm :P
  • The problem with no ball resetting & also ball becoming impossible to pick up

Map Problems:
  • Ball spawns at middle in tribun/curve etc. but not smallcubese
    therefore holding the ball with keeper resets the ball to the middle and can be abused
  • Curve and Blocko have areas higher up on the rim where you can fire the ball and waste time while you have to wait for a reset - gg timeplay
  • no normal player spawn points on DuelCube - cmon people do play it with more people anyway you may as well put a few in. You can also get on top of goal posts as there are no blocking volumes. Also its funny that if you attempt to make a touch down on the moving goal, when you are walking along the side of the moving platform you are out of the enemy penalty box so require 2 hits to kill - easy td :D
  • The new goals (e.g. smallcubese) have a point inside the goal where u can hide and not get killed :) hehe

Other comments:
  • The moutains/outside of tribun is very white and not very neutral - this map needs the ball point updating anyway, so it would be good if you could adress this and make the moutains more brown/neutral or whatever as opposed to a bright tone
  • blocko textures and lighting are not very neutral. Why use 2 blue lights inside the actual playing space instead of a Blue and a Red for the red half ? (and peronsally i find the orange blends with the radar and the ball too much :D )
  • The radar using orange for keepers is a little unclear as purple is the colour in between Red and Blue... :o
    It is confusing for the blue team having to see an orange and a red spot in the radar -> they are similar (e.g. a different shade of red for the red team, and a different shade of blue for the blue team is more concise)

Dan :P

Re: 2.4rocks - bugs/comments

Posted: 05-03-2007 13:55
by The_One
Adversary wrote: Sometimes viewpoint can get stuck at the crouch height
This happens in regular UT2K4 as well.

Posted: 05-03-2007 16:09
by Adversary
yeah i know.... but its worth a punt :P

Posted: 06-03-2007 01:01
by mephistophel
"when you are walking along the side of the moving platform you are out of the enemy penalty box so require 2 hits to kill - easy td " minus shake and getting to the stage of standing on the platform.

"when ball is deflected off own teams back (e.g. you fire a lmb shot into the back of your own teammate and it bounces off) the ball then becomes impossible for your own team to pick up for a short moment" deserves them right for being a newb and it will be overcome :p

i think it would be better to 'gib' any player that gets hit with a 80%+ powered shot but slows the ball down instead of delfected in retarded direction but mh.

Posted: 06-03-2007 11:43
by Catalyst
mephistophel wrote: i think it would be better to 'gib' any player that gets hit with a 80%+ powered shot but slows the ball down instead of delfected in retarded direction but mh.

I don't know if the code's still in there but it did used to gib you with an uber-fast ball (way faster than you could normally throw though ;)). Also, there used to be code to gib you when you overcharged that was disabled ;).

Posted: 06-03-2007 11:47
by DavidM
that was TNSE, and I slapped him hard right away!

Anyway, thanks for the list Dan, I'll read it soon.