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Trying to setup DB on 2 USA servers

Posted: 06-03-2007 15:09
by JasAce
I have 2 clans trying to setup Deathball on Multimod servers one in Dallas and other in Seattle.

Problem is Does Not Work, and I've searched all over the place to find it, with no luck.

Can SOMEONE please post a working link, I believe that is our only problem to getting it working correctly. I am not the Admin of the servers so I'm afraid if it takes too long to get these running, they might just give up and say forget it.

Thank you for your help!

Posted: 13-03-2007 09:38
by JasAce
WoW?! No help for USA Deathball servers?

Thats too bad....:confused:

Posted: 13-03-2007 13:25
by Shinobi
I suggest you talk to Imaginos, his email/MSN:

Posted: 13-03-2007 13:25
by beefsack
or perhaps the expertise isnt hanging around :( wasnt imaginos the server master before?

edit: lol same time post

Posted: 14-03-2007 13:57
by JasAce
Hey thanks a lot! Both servers have it running, but it's basically a half mod not the TOTAL mod it should be.

I'll give imaginos a shout. THANKS! :p

Posted: 26-06-2007 19:45
by :-)
American Deathball Servers!?!?!? I demand IP's now!