Deathball Academy is recruiting

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Deathball Academy is recruiting

Post by Chrisfu »

Deathball Academy is recruiting. No, this isn't a clan in the typical sense of the word. No, I'm not playing in it. There are a few requirements:

Basic set of Deathball skills
Play the game for fun, not too serious
Get good pings to UK servers

This offer is mainly open to players who HAVN'T played for other clans. :) That said, applying won't hurt. Good luck.
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Post by FireCell »

I would like to say this is one good idea. If there is anyway i can help out or get involved in anyway just ask me, i would be happy to assist.
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Post by fro »

#dba.db on quakenet :)
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Post by GazMaN »

be nice to see clans starting up, intead of seeing clan after clan dieing :(
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Post by L33FY »

Yep. So fair trainers are Gazman myself Jr Cata chrisfu Ohweia GiM and froste I think.

Its all good. Come join on irc :)

Peace out.
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Post by Surge »

this is a horrible idea...

Its giving into the whining and complaining of n00bs and ripping the flaming players (and there are a LOT of them) away from the community. Soon you will be stuck with the trainers, their trainees who have a very VERY limited amount of game play experience and knowledge and who ever is left from the flamers (which wont be many) cause even while learning your still a n00b.

As a flamer of n00bs myself (to some degree, i mostly just bitch at my computer screen about them) i would pick up and leave if i saw an influx of n00bs from this "Deathball 101" class enter the game.

A n00b is a n00b is a n00b and only experience can change that. Thats why deathballs going down the poop chute, too many n00b friendly people who ruin the game for those of us who actually know what they're doing and don't want to play with some corndog.

Just because you took 1 or 2 drivers ed. classes doent mean i'd ride in the car with you.
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Post by Chrisfu »

Give surge a lolly pop, for he's just missed the entire fucking point, as usual.

We're not giving them lessons, we're giving them PRACTICAL EXPERIANCE ON A PLATE. We give them regular scrims, against excellent opposition, on a regular basis. They play all their games as a team, from the same pool of players every time. If this is a bad idea to you, then you must be brain-dead.
Last edited by Chrisfu on 20-05-2003 01:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fro »

wow, a visit from trolly mcskeptic himself.

the 'trainers' wont be leaving their clans, just spending some free time speeding up the learning curve of people who are willing to learn.

thus slightly improving the general level of skills in the community, which has to be a good thing...
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Post by Orbitul »

Wow surge what a load of shit that was.

I think most people will agree that one of the biggest problems DB has right now is that we don't have enough people playing it. This is especially the case in NA where we only have a max of 2-3 servers to choose from at any given time and even those are usually small cube.

These guys are trying to address that problem. In any community people will come and go but as long as there is enough new blood it will usually last.

Who knows if this idea will even work but at least they are trying.

Surge all you do is sit back and rip every idea or design decision made unless it's your own. You may love this game but if it upsets you so much then just walk away. Negative attitudes can be contagious and we don't really need it around.
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Post by Harold|ZBN »

i totally agree with surge on this....



oh sorry was that a bad joke? :rolleyes:
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Post by Axl »

surge really hasnt got a clue.. This is a great idea, and if it works its gunna help bring more people and clans into the game, and that can only be a good thing.. It seems to me that surge is scared of the "n00bs" maybe worried that these people will become good players? maybe better than surge and hence he will loose his place in a team? :p
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

I can't see any why anyone who wants to see DeathBall continue would be against this. :confused: It is an excellent idea and all involved should be praised for giving up their own spare time to help out those who are new to the game.

Having recently pulled my clan out of troubles with lack of members I am well aware of how tough it is for many clans who are still seeking members to continue going. The atmosphere in public games is very much different from how it was when I was starting many months ago as has been mentioned in many threads before. New players to the game are too often chased away from the game by the bad apples of the community. :( If there is a place where they can go to learn the basics of the game, play quality friendlies against some of the most respected members of this small community then what could possibly be wrong with that?

I really wish that those who have no patience for people who are learning would stay the hell away from the public servers. If you cannot help yourself from flaming those who do not have your skills and experience then stick to your clan matches.

If Surge is so against this idea of new players gaining skills and experience on donated clan servers but also hates new players playing in public servers then please offer up an alternative if you can - it's not like people can learn against bots is it??! It sounds to me that you just want this game to die so please do us all a favour and leave. There are plenty of us that actually enjoy playing and want Deathball to continue.
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Well since I left TEZC this weekend, I will have alot more time to concentrate on helping out etc. As most ppl know I hardly play DB at all anymore, but passing on things that I have learnt to other ppl will only help I guess. Something new and challenging from my pov.

However I think keepers have a great disadvantage now against lamer's 'Boost Goals' =(. Lets hope that boost goals are a bug since, they are 95% impossible to save for keepers, due to having to initially save 2 moving objects. There are some clans out there which seem to be using this tactic constantly, any help on a way to defend against this would be appreciated, by me at least =)

Altho, I wanna have a word with TEZC as in order for me to be able to help out in a way I would like, it would help if I had a clan. So I could see how teams/clans are playing these days, just so I dont lose touch with things. I believe there have been changes made to keepers again in 1.7 <-- this being a classic example of being able to see top players using the new features regularly. As trying to teach ppl how to keep on pubs is such a big difference to how they would keep in the DBL. i.e. pubs very rarely use teamplay the way a clan would.

I think TEZC will prolly let me watch from time to time, and practice on the odd occasion. But just incase im wrong, are there any DB clans that would be willing to let me sit in a few games here and there?? please be aware that im not a full time player tho. =)
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Post by Rens2Sea »

/me hugs Gimic :_D
/me signs up at academy to learn keeping Gimicstyle :p
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

You'd be welcome to take a spec slot in some ZBN home games if you want Gim! We always have plenty spare ;)