Page 1 of 1 forums link broken

Posted: 07-05-2007 14:10
by The_One
The link to the forums on points to Are you playing with subdomains and redirects etc. atm?

Posted: 07-05-2007 17:05
by DavidM
oh, new server has no sub domains configured yet :P

Posted: 08-05-2007 11:38
by Adversary
might i also suggest changing the pages browser icon from the pretty red flower thingymabob :P

Posted: 08-05-2007 11:48
by The_One
I'd hide the structure a bit with .htaccess files too. We don't need to know it was written in PHP and search engines don't like '?' in URLs (I'm thinking of the comments). Not that it really matters but I like things tidy. 8)