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2.4unavoidable bugs/ect

Posted: 15-05-2007 00:57
by rEd2k
Gotta love this newest version it works the best out of any other I've tried so far :) Does anyone have the bug that I have where you can't see your "cone/rings" effect when in first person view? Everytime I use primary fire the rings are gone... and in third person view I see the rings but they shoot BACKWARDS! lol (Well the larger ring fires towards my character and the smallest ring appears to be the farthest away from my character).

Posted: 15-05-2007 01:42
by DavidM
the new effect options weren't properly tested by us. thank god you did, so we can address them next version :)

Global issue with all DB versions or am I wrong??

Posted: 15-05-2007 09:28
by rEd2k
There is one thing that has been bothering me when ever I play DeathBall.. sometimes when hosting or using a listening or dedicated server it will take anywhere from 5-20 minutes to load the next map.. some previous versions simply never loaded at all (with a 3 hour wait for testing). The problem has always been there but I never voiced anything about it untill now (my friends and I were just happy being able to play this cool game for free :) ) So I was wondering if anyone else ever had these issues including the newest version.. The problem will also occur during a "botmatch" game setup (just not as much). I know that bad maps can cause this but they WILL load and eventually work and these maps (from what I can tell) have been worked over and over again to make them perfect.. I don't really think that this is a map issue since it will happen at random on any map. Is there some simple network setup I'm missing?? Any menu options or adjustments to the .ini that could fix this?? Any help would be very much appreciated ;) Thanks to any who reply \o/

Thanks for the quick reply David :)

Posted: 15-05-2007 09:31
by rEd2k
Forgot to say that in my last post ~Derrrr! As long as someone confirmed that lil "rings" issue I know that I'm not crazy now (or at least I'm not the only one) lol

Posted: 15-05-2007 13:21
by DavidM
Ya that problem is long known, but we have no idea why it's happening. Something to do with replays or bots IMO.
Whenever we try to reproduce it, the next map just loads right away -_-

my heart was going a bit faster when the guy on TV was switching the map and it kept loading and I knew what happened xD
but fortunately it didn't take that long then.

Posted: 15-05-2007 16:27
by DoMmeh``
its a shame btw that db was tested that bad :/ with the 2.3 bots etc. stead of showing a Demo or something =D

Posted: 15-05-2007 17:59
by DavidM
we are currently doing public betatesting, arent we?

Update on long load times

Posted: 15-05-2007 19:40
by rEd2k
I have found (with hours of gameplay testing) that the game NEVER has a problem loading to the next level as long as the timer isn't used (20 mins, 10 mins ect). Instead I have used a goal total anywhere from 1-20. I found that using a lower goal count like "1" the maps load every time no problem.. the higher the goal count the higher chance of the next level loading longer.. and the same goes for the longer the timer (anything under 5 minutes and the chances are you don't hafta wait for the next level to load). Wierd! I hafta keep testing this though as it could be just pure chance and luck that I got the next stages to load normally.. I will post back with an update if anything truly significant is found with SOLID evidence to the matter :) Oh and the tests are being done using a Listening and Dedicated server (results are same on both so far).

Posted: 15-05-2007 20:56
by DavidM
I knew it was somehow linked to scoreing goals, but its new to me that it could have something to do with the match time. Well interesting. If you find something of significance that can be reproduced, tell me \o/

Got my friends here now.. gunna do some networking :)

Posted: 16-05-2007 04:37
by rEd2k
Ok will do! :) Got my friends for two days of deathball, gunna try alot of stuff and document it... and then see the results. Hope we find out what really causes this.. Hope with all this testing we can pound this bug into the dirt! lol Untill then, peace out for now ;)

Posted: 16-05-2007 12:25
by DavidM

Ok a little update.. everyone prolly knows about this though

Posted: 16-05-2007 23:34
by rEd2k
I think alot of people may already know this but.. aside from the extensive testing we are doing to get that load time to dissappear the game will always load perfectlyand work flawlessly if we setup a dedicated server on a computer and no one plays the game on that computer.. Seems to be pretty obvious why that will work out. We tried this with 4 different computers all using the exact same setup (no new models or maps ect (junk) thrown in). We tried it with all different kinds of game setups like 10 min games, goal core of 10, and so on.. it NEVER crashed, or took a long time to load. So at least that WILL work. Please someone correct me if doesn't work out for them ;) Anyways, we are still trying to iron out the REAL problem here, and I'm sure not alot of people have a second comp. that they can use just for a dedicated server :P I'll post again tmorrow with our finds, peace.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten ;)

Posted: 19-05-2007 07:49
by rEd2k
Man testing is taking way longer than expected (esp cuz there have been too many random results). I have narrowed down a few possibility's why the load problem is there but the girl friend and the lack of a job :S are holding things back :( But fear not I am almost done radiating my eyes to the point of falling out and I may have some answers soon ;) I hope I can figure it out.. so far it seems like playing with goals and not a set time seem to be more stable. I will post again as soon as my as I can with the full results.. man there's too much paper lying around here! lol :P Peace out for now...

Re: Don't worry I haven't forgotten ;)

Posted: 19-05-2007 12:28
by Catalyst
rEd2k wrote: Man testing is taking way longer than expected (esp cuz there have been too many random results). I have narrowed down a few possibility's why the load problem is there but the girl friend and the lack of a job :S are holding things back :( But fear not I am almost done radiating my eyes to the point of falling out and I may have some answers soon ;) I hope I can figure it out.. so far it seems like playing with goals and not a set time seem to be more stable. I will post again as soon as my as I can with the full results.. man there's too much paper lying around here! lol :P Peace out for now...

Sir, I admire your dedication to the cause.

Posted: 19-05-2007 19:08
by DoMmeh``
agreed !
