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I don't get it

Posted: 08-06-2003 07:33
by Surge
3 months ago everything was great. People were having fun. Games were exciting. Everyone was playing deathball...

Now look at us... Everyones fighting, everyones upset. Over what? A silly game that people are going away from more and more every day?

Man i remember when nobody boosted... back in 1.2 and 1.3b. People actually ran upfield, the game was open to cherry pickers and defending actually took skill because if you didnt play the man he'd just get off you and score. Offensive players actually shot the ball, not this volley BS... those were the days.

Vollies actually took skill and timing to pull off and i was becomming quite good at them when 1.4b came out. 1.4b was fun for the most part. It was introduced mid-qualification and a lot of people were upset but got used to it. We all enjoyed free jump, dribble, boosting, everything...

Since then DB has been going down hill. People are loosing intrest. Games are too competative. People arn't having fun anymore. Everyones upset.

This brings me to my point... why dont we go back to the basics or at least to to mod deathball so its like it once was where playing a position ment something.

My suggestion: remove own team colissions from everywhere except the Pbox.

Why? it would remove boosting back, the boost goal, and would actually make people PLAY DEFENSE. It would still let a person be boosted forward to 1/2 field but because of the boost power reduction (which i hope like hell is only for your own team) would land them short of the enemy half.

This would make playing defense be critical, have actual odd man rushes for a change. It would make the game a bit easier for the offense and goals would mean more. Goals would mean that you outplayed the team and actually earned your goal because you forced them into an odd-man rush and you won.

This is how DB should be. Not this boost and and down field garbage...

The way i look at it, DB was never broke but the core elements kept changing for the worse. The only good changes to ever come since 1.2 were the passing that didnt follow your Y axis direction, banana shot, and the increase in volley power.

Everything else was completely un-necessary. People started leaving. People wern't having fun... Doing what i can do now with vollies actually made playing a game of 1.3b FUN a while back. We were dribbling, we were boosting, we were doing everything like we used to and IT WAS FUN!

Whats wrong with deathball is that scores mean too much and arnt very satisfying. Everyone somewhere deep down inside has a conscience thats telling them "the boost goal is wrong, why do you do it?". This move is ruining deathball. Boosting in general is ruining deathball. The scores everyong gets now arnt satifying at all for 2 reasons. either 1) its a cheap trick or 2) its a volley that the keeper has no chance at all of stopping.

Durring a scrimmage we had against Pi 2 days ago i had 4 goals all made by shooting the ball through a screen and scoring. I actually felt like the goals ment something and i was having fun. Meanwhile Pi was using the boost trick and scoring cheap goals on us. It wasn't fun, but i know that i sure had fun scoring those 4 goals.

This is my plea. Why are you chaging Deathball when there was no need? all it has done is damage the game and make it less fun to play. It makes it too competative. It makes it too... frustrating!

When a problem arises you address it, you don't create new ones without fixing others. Having small exploits in the game like dribbling didnt cause problems and still it was removed. It actually kept defense on their toes because they knew if you got behind them and dribbled you'd score most likely. Instead after removing it you gave birth to the cheapest move in deathball.

If you really want to save deathball i suggets instead of improving on your current design, you improve a design that wasn't as corrupt. Improve 1.3b for those of us that want to play. Those of us that want set jumping to reduce vollies. Those of us that want to be able to actually get a breakaway. Those of us that want to run scores up in the 20's for both teams without pulling cheap trick!

Deathball once was fun, now its a job. Why cant it be both? :(

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:01
by [V3]Sin
I agreed with surge heh i dident read it all but agreed:)
I wish you would go back to 1.4b gameplay david m and work with that , but instead you changed tha whole game into gheyball or nubcakeball:/ Now some V3 members are starting to quit like tha great godlike keeper gnomeh:( bullet,opt zan. Deathball is getting ghey and ghey and i might quit this game to with most of v3 members if 1.7 is ghey like that beta:P This is comming from tha best deathball clan in NA and euro and if you fuckers dont like it heres are #clan-v3 pm bodom or me sin to set up a match kthx we never lose i win kthx whos next!

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:28
by DavidM
go play 1.4b now and you'll see its not the's the ppl

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:31
by beefsack
may i suggest you are somewhat hypocritical. you complain about people bickering and whining in the forums, yet all you have done is point out your point of view about the things people bicker and whine about.

but anyway, i cant say you are wrong about boosting. i would love to see boosting gone.

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:48
by DavidM
you know it cannot be gone totally, just less powerful
it is less powerfull in 1.7beta, maybe it will be reduced even more

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:51
by gutterflower
deathball is going down hill because of the people, and just the people.
Its not because of any perticular feature..

we need everyone to cool down and just accept that people play certain ways, and enjoy the game for how its going now.

I admit volley spam annoys me, no defence annoys me, and all the rest but i suggest you dont get so into the game in pubs, just play for fun, who cares if the enemy score a goal? so...what?

just everyone needs to calm down and be calm...

How about playing tennis? :/

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:54
by RaGe*NL*
well i know something is going on, i used to see loooooooads of new faces but when i join a server now its just "o/ , Hi rage , etc,, ] its just spooky, i dont think everyone of the community should know eachother, just one tip HURRY THE FUCK UP WITH 1.7, WE REALLY NEED IT!!!

Posted: 08-06-2003 09:59
by Surge
David how does this idea sound:

Boost power reduction and only being able to boost from your own end. This gets players upfield faster and makes you actually play D cause you cant boost back.

Posted: 08-06-2003 10:02
by DavidM
not boosting back would be ghey, and how would you do it gamedesign wise?

Posted: 08-06-2003 10:03
by gutterflower
surge although i like your idea in league matches, it would be hell in pubs, sometimes the only reason there is some defence at all is because of boosting

Posted: 08-06-2003 10:03
by hiausd
Make free jump a server switch

Posted: 08-06-2003 10:05
by Surge
true... i just think the fix you propose is just stupid though. Losing jumps after catchin the ball in the air screws actual offense more than the boost trick.

Another solution you could use would be bringing back set jumping. You hypathetically could still do the boost trick but it would be much harder because you'd need an exact range on it, it be easy to mess up if you miss a jump...

Posted: 08-06-2003 11:07
by DavidM
set jumping is a nightmare, go play 1.3 or something like that x_X

Posted: 08-06-2003 11:38
by Maegrim
for every one volley that i make, i shoot it four times. serious.

Posted: 08-06-2003 11:41
by Chrisfu
Aside from a few exploitable bugs, the game is sound. When people arn't whoring various exploits, it'll be back to "may the best team win".

The biggest single problem this comminuity has is it's numbers. All you have to do is go on a pub server to see how some of the noobs are being treated, and it becomes quite apparent why we're dropping like flies, such is the attitiude of some of the elitist kids that play this game.

Some of them took example from older, more mature players. But as soon as they thing you're not looking, bam. They're flaming every un-tagged player on the server. You'll see people come, play for two weeks, get pretty good and then disappear. You don't play a game for two weeks and hate it, that just doesn't make sense.

This mod needs three things:
1) Bug fixes
2) Lots of noobs
3) PR!

The third is possibly the most important from a community point of view, because you practically never see any promotion for DeathBall anywhere. On the release of 1.7 it should be continually whored to every UT site in existance.