Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Posted: 25-07-2003 09:21
Durring the past 4 months for DB, an American clan "Vini Vedi Vici" has been short of terrorizing our community for no apparent reason other than intimidation. They may be good players, i'll admit that, but their effect on the community outside of deathball has adversly affected everyones dirire to play deathball. They, admittedly, have single handedly destroyed more than 4 other clans:
[3:32am]« [V3]Bodom » how many clans have we killed?
[3:32am]« [V3]Bodom » 4?
Finding a little history on V3, you will quite quickly discover that not only is their leadership lacking, but funamental communication skills, and all around decency. Many examples can be found in these very forums, on IRC, and on in-game binds. Since V3's origin starting with (i believe) Xelent and Bodom, V3 has recruited almost all new players that havnt been exposed to their overwhelming effects on the community. Many players from other clans that joined V3 such as OpTimal, CorDawg, and Gnome, Bullet, and Incubus were some of the members of a previous clan that V3 broke up by their "were better then you" type attitude or as a reflex of losing games by the huge margin that V3 constantly kills smaller clans by whihc is EXTREMELY discourgeing. This is not the full problem, but the tip of the rather large and complex iceburg of a problem V3 is to the NA community.
In 1.4b when DB was thriving in NA, far more-so than it is now, V3 made their first arrival and was a very successful clan. After the recruiting of Sin, Ven0m, InSaNe, and a few others, V3 has become a HUGE problem to the community resulting in a threat to our well-being as a whole. Off hand, i can think of at least 5-6 players who have left DB due to V3's impact on the community.
V3 is responsible for bringing plays like the boost trick and shotgun to the NA community and abused them as much so as cY.13 did. Many European players can relate to the problems that the boost trick caused and its dramatic effects durring league play. Now add that move to a team whos arsenal already included a few other bugged moves. This is not fun to play against. Its frustrating and cheap (hence why it was removed). The shotgun, their other now fixed move, dominated the NA community even though it was a "very situational move" which sent vollies at 100+m/s at the net with godly accuracy and little failure rate.
Just in the the channel #ballers on, you can clearly see V3 has no ops, but still have far more members (13) active than other clans which do. This is not because they are not good or not a "founding" clan as they may say. This is because we dont want a powerful force like V3 in our community, a fun community. Older clans like TA, LS and WKD all had representation in #ballers and now all of them are gone for some related, and un-related reasons but the blunk of the matter is that they didnt want to play games against teams like V3 who constantly torment the community.
V3 is truely the only clan in all of DB that i can say are poor winners. If any other clan wins a match they say gg and leave and just go back to IRC and mingle. V3 on the other hand goes back to IRC and announced their victory, talks about it in public chat for a while, occasionally pointing out the quality of play their opponent provided (saying the suck) and bringing up their victories in other discussions. As you can see in one of the posts by Gnome i believe he said something along the lines of me complaining cause we lost by 20... have you ever seen any clan do this before? i know i sure haven't.
Finally, what good has V3 done for our community? They came, they saw, they concured. What else? They form DeeZ to try and do the same with the EU community who obviously wasn't very thrilled with their arrival as you can see in various other posts. They have done the same thing to the EU league 3 as they did to the NA 3rd league. They destroy all opponents with no consideration. From league 3 NA what are the only teams left? none.
I personally know a lot of V3 members that are nice people. This isnt a 100% V3 should die thread. Bullet, Blauzen, Incubus, and Imag are all very nice, humble people. Too bad, Bullet and Inc actually were from one of those clans that was crushed by teams much like V3 does to other clans now. They know what its like to lose. Imag has always been a nice guy and always will be... probably because I'v never actually seen him play in a league game and never plays publics/pick-ups where the V3 binds shine... Blauzen, like Imag doesnt need to talk shit to other people, and is usually positive. I only ever see him in pugs though, i dont even think hes on IRC.
I personally don't know what high horse V3 is riding, but they need a reality check, big time. Due to their effect on the NA community this may not even be possible unfortunetally. Our numbers dwindle from patch to patch. Our entire squad in SoP is none of who played, and beat, cY back in 1.3b. Teams like V3 and other personall issues caused all of the original SoP to stop playing including its founder Wasabi. Wonder why DBCenter is still down? We actually tried keeping the NA community alive, what has V3 done? Zan hacked DBC and hes in V3. Shows you the quality of their players. Zan is a reasonable person though, i have no issues with him, but with the company he keeps. Much like Xelent and a few other V3 members who i'm not particularly fond of.
The reason behind this post is not because of any kind of recent incedent while playing DB but a challenge issued to me by Bodom from V3. Some of his IRC words are quite impressive if i do say so myself.
[3:26am]« [V3]Bodom » im gonna get you guys a full time rape counselor for our matches
[3:24am]« [V3]Bodom » brb gotta reform a good clan with horrible people
[3:24am]« [V3]Bodom » aka the SoP project
and finally, the reason i'm posting:
[3:30am]« [V3]Bodom » Surge im not gonna go away til you make a formal post requesting it on the DBL forums
I came through with my end of the deal, lets see if Bodoms a man of his word or just another "nubcake".
[3:32am]« [V3]Bodom » how many clans have we killed?
[3:32am]« [V3]Bodom » 4?
Finding a little history on V3, you will quite quickly discover that not only is their leadership lacking, but funamental communication skills, and all around decency. Many examples can be found in these very forums, on IRC, and on in-game binds. Since V3's origin starting with (i believe) Xelent and Bodom, V3 has recruited almost all new players that havnt been exposed to their overwhelming effects on the community. Many players from other clans that joined V3 such as OpTimal, CorDawg, and Gnome, Bullet, and Incubus were some of the members of a previous clan that V3 broke up by their "were better then you" type attitude or as a reflex of losing games by the huge margin that V3 constantly kills smaller clans by whihc is EXTREMELY discourgeing. This is not the full problem, but the tip of the rather large and complex iceburg of a problem V3 is to the NA community.
In 1.4b when DB was thriving in NA, far more-so than it is now, V3 made their first arrival and was a very successful clan. After the recruiting of Sin, Ven0m, InSaNe, and a few others, V3 has become a HUGE problem to the community resulting in a threat to our well-being as a whole. Off hand, i can think of at least 5-6 players who have left DB due to V3's impact on the community.
V3 is responsible for bringing plays like the boost trick and shotgun to the NA community and abused them as much so as cY.13 did. Many European players can relate to the problems that the boost trick caused and its dramatic effects durring league play. Now add that move to a team whos arsenal already included a few other bugged moves. This is not fun to play against. Its frustrating and cheap (hence why it was removed). The shotgun, their other now fixed move, dominated the NA community even though it was a "very situational move" which sent vollies at 100+m/s at the net with godly accuracy and little failure rate.
Just in the the channel #ballers on, you can clearly see V3 has no ops, but still have far more members (13) active than other clans which do. This is not because they are not good or not a "founding" clan as they may say. This is because we dont want a powerful force like V3 in our community, a fun community. Older clans like TA, LS and WKD all had representation in #ballers and now all of them are gone for some related, and un-related reasons but the blunk of the matter is that they didnt want to play games against teams like V3 who constantly torment the community.
V3 is truely the only clan in all of DB that i can say are poor winners. If any other clan wins a match they say gg and leave and just go back to IRC and mingle. V3 on the other hand goes back to IRC and announced their victory, talks about it in public chat for a while, occasionally pointing out the quality of play their opponent provided (saying the suck) and bringing up their victories in other discussions. As you can see in one of the posts by Gnome i believe he said something along the lines of me complaining cause we lost by 20... have you ever seen any clan do this before? i know i sure haven't.
Finally, what good has V3 done for our community? They came, they saw, they concured. What else? They form DeeZ to try and do the same with the EU community who obviously wasn't very thrilled with their arrival as you can see in various other posts. They have done the same thing to the EU league 3 as they did to the NA 3rd league. They destroy all opponents with no consideration. From league 3 NA what are the only teams left? none.
I personally know a lot of V3 members that are nice people. This isnt a 100% V3 should die thread. Bullet, Blauzen, Incubus, and Imag are all very nice, humble people. Too bad, Bullet and Inc actually were from one of those clans that was crushed by teams much like V3 does to other clans now. They know what its like to lose. Imag has always been a nice guy and always will be... probably because I'v never actually seen him play in a league game and never plays publics/pick-ups where the V3 binds shine... Blauzen, like Imag doesnt need to talk shit to other people, and is usually positive. I only ever see him in pugs though, i dont even think hes on IRC.
I personally don't know what high horse V3 is riding, but they need a reality check, big time. Due to their effect on the NA community this may not even be possible unfortunetally. Our numbers dwindle from patch to patch. Our entire squad in SoP is none of who played, and beat, cY back in 1.3b. Teams like V3 and other personall issues caused all of the original SoP to stop playing including its founder Wasabi. Wonder why DBCenter is still down? We actually tried keeping the NA community alive, what has V3 done? Zan hacked DBC and hes in V3. Shows you the quality of their players. Zan is a reasonable person though, i have no issues with him, but with the company he keeps. Much like Xelent and a few other V3 members who i'm not particularly fond of.
The reason behind this post is not because of any kind of recent incedent while playing DB but a challenge issued to me by Bodom from V3. Some of his IRC words are quite impressive if i do say so myself.
[3:26am]« [V3]Bodom » im gonna get you guys a full time rape counselor for our matches
[3:24am]« [V3]Bodom » brb gotta reform a good clan with horrible people
[3:24am]« [V3]Bodom » aka the SoP project
and finally, the reason i'm posting:
[3:30am]« [V3]Bodom » Surge im not gonna go away til you make a formal post requesting it on the DBL forums
I came through with my end of the deal, lets see if Bodoms a man of his word or just another "nubcake".