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3 Min DB video (divX5.0.5)

Posted: 05-08-2003 22:35
by Diab
I spent a good 6 hours today snooping around pubs, spectating and using screen recording tools to capture some hot action on the field. cut it up, slapped on some glue and packed it in divX to bring you a 3 minute db 1.8 video. Not half bad for my first attempt at such a task. (My last video was 8 seconds, 320x240 10fps and 1.4meg big \o/)

This file is around 13meg, its got a great beat and lots of action. i'll do a bigger longer and nicer one once i get the time to do another but injoy anyway :) ... lVideo.avi


Posted: 05-08-2003 22:44
by DavidM
not bad, but quality is too low
sometimes confusing camera movements and cuts

I am missing some great moves (those who you wont find on a FFA) ;)

Posted: 05-08-2003 22:48
by Diab
I'll see what i can do about spectating some pro games over the week, 2nd time lucky.

Posted: 06-08-2003 03:13
by Surge
Wont play Video:

- Winamp
- Windows Media
- RealOne player

Wont play audio:

- DivX 2.1 Player

what did work?

K-lite codec pack 2.04 -full- fixed all of the players.. google it

Posted: 06-08-2003 04:39
by FireCell
Hey looks good, also a suggestion show more goals preferably well played ones. Im sure clans will let you spec matches if you ask.

Posted: 06-08-2003 05:39
by InSaNe
I'm downloading it right now, we'll see what's and what-not :D


Posted: 06-08-2003 05:43
by InSaNe
Not bad, it's very good, little flaws but, very good overall, my only complaint is that the low quality. Won't help any noobs but idk keep working on it! :p


Posted: 06-08-2003 08:10
by DavidM
ah btw only player that worked for me was divxplayer 2.1 btw

winamp and wmp got stuck after 5 seconds or so

Posted: 06-08-2003 17:55
by The_One
haven't had any problem playing it. i like the slight emphasis on keeping but you need better footage.

Posted: 06-08-2003 19:36
by Dazlin
needs some more volleys viewed from the floor up because from top down it looks crap :o other than that its good :) the music seems to go well with it \o/

Posted: 07-08-2003 00:39
by GraGoyle|ZBN
Nice vid Diab! \o/
I think it is a great first time attempt and good to see some1 taking the initiative!

I especially liked the cool music and the use of different maps.

As my suggestion, I think it would be really cool if you did a 'matrix style' scene! Maybe with the attacker and keeper one on one with the att shooting the ball and keeper diving in slow mo?

Anyway well done m8, ZBN is proud! \o/

Posted: 07-08-2003 01:02
by DiStUrbeD
Not a bad video, but imo there is too much emphasis on keepers. But for a first shot the video isnt that bad. Maybe try higher quality next time

Posted: 07-08-2003 01:05
by GraGoyle|ZBN
too much emphasis on keepers? were you watching the same vid? LMAO!!
Well, here's an idea, how about you go and do one! :P

Posted: 07-08-2003 01:26
by Diab

Posted: 07-08-2003 08:19
by FireCell
GraGoyle|ZBN wrote: too much emphasis on keepers? were you watching the same vid? LMAO!!
Well, here's an idea, how about you go and do one! :P

Some constructive criticism shouldnt go a miss, we dont all need to be able to make the video to help suggest what goes in it surely?