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Congratulations to DB

Posted: 06-08-2003 02:22
by Tankazz
... On being a finalist in the MSU contest's phase 1. :cool:

Posted: 06-08-2003 02:56
by jo3fillingspace
definately, congrats to the team.

Posted: 06-08-2003 03:05
by speedy


Posted: 06-08-2003 03:18
by FineWolf
It's not a surprise...

Posted: 06-08-2003 08:08
by DavidM
We would rather be dissapointed if it didn't do it, looking at our competing mods.
Well, dunno why anyone likes faceoff, cuz it has no new concept, but we should be at least 2nd or 3rd.

Posted: 06-08-2003 09:44
by YoYo789
so what's the prize in phase 1?

Posted: 06-08-2003 09:57
by DiStUrbeD
DavidM wrote: We would rather be dissapointed if it didn't do it, looking at our competing mods.
Well, dunno why anyone likes faceoff, cuz it has no new concept, but we should be at least 2nd or 3rd.

For once in my whole life, i agree with DavidM.

In my eyes, faceoff is a ripoff of many other mods. The lead developer claimed it was a mod he worked on for Q3A but i doubt that, since it shares the exact same concept as Urban Terror for Q3A.

Anyway, congrats to DB, but imho it shouldn't win. There are many more mods with more potential then DB does (no knocks to the dev team)

Many mods were rushed out for the deadline, and are nowhere near completing yet.

Posted: 06-08-2003 10:25
by Dazlin
its fun to play but i have to agree it isnt a new concept:ban:

Posted: 06-08-2003 14:55
by Bazzi
nah, it's all new [cs clone]!

Posted: 06-08-2003 15:21
by fs|Pele
faceoff looks promising but its NOOOO way near a decent mod like deathball that has a future in this state

Posted: 06-08-2003 15:24
by DavidM
hmmm, it's future is what a bunch of other mods past is.... 0_o

Posted: 06-08-2003 15:24
by Cyph
Deathball's one of the most original games ever to appear. If it doesn't win there's something wrong with the industry.

Posted: 06-08-2003 15:27
by DavidM
it wouldn't mean anything
I guess the judges are not under regular testing conditions.....
they cant take the time they need
so a game thats fun at first and gets boring pretty fast wins over a game thats takes its time to get into, but then is fun for years

but maybe I'm wrong

Posted: 06-08-2003 16:33
by Cyph
Possibly, but if they've got any sense then they'll look at the merits of the game, the community (in which case we've lost... bigtime), the originality, thought and support that's put into it.

Posted: 06-08-2003 21:53
by DavidM
no, only looking at the game