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DBL minus SoP

Posted: 16-08-2003 19:03
by Larc
We haven't played our last few games because we haven't had the players. We are requesting to be removed from the league. who knows, maybe we'll make a comeback, but this summer has been harsh and it doesn't appear like any of us have more time to put into this mod.

Posted: 16-08-2003 19:04
by Crazn
i will always love you

Posted: 16-08-2003 19:08
by Fooman
:( I hope u guys stick around. SoP has been there since I can remember. Never actually finding the Punani...

Posted: 16-08-2003 19:33
by InSaNe
Gay as fuck.

Posted: 16-08-2003 21:06
by Fallen
Heh....we are close to finding the punani....well if u only count me ;)

Posted: 16-08-2003 21:33
by Larc
well, punani took a few of our players, just becuase you are seeking, doesn't me you aren't finding ;)

sad to say but deathball killed off most of our players. basically i'm the only one playing from our 1.3 days, tho one more just started playing a bit more recently.

InSaNe... um... huh?

and SoP is more than DB, the clan itself will be around for a lot longer.

Posted: 16-08-2003 23:01
by uberslacker
sad to see sop go, i remember you guys as being one of the best teams from the start

gl to you guys

Posted: 17-08-2003 03:24
by Fallen

Posted: 17-08-2003 06:07
by [V3]Dave
now you can seek deez nutz and leave tha poon kthx whos NEXT!!!!

Posted: 17-08-2003 08:22
by InSaNe
Well I meant that it's gay as fuck to see the first NA clan drop out of the DBL. Trojan RahSun left which isn't helping but long live teh originat0rs! :lol:


Posted: 17-08-2003 10:10
by Surge
good game SoP

Posted: 17-08-2003 16:54
by HerbalTea
dam, that sucks

hopefully yall will come back

see ya round

Posted: 26-08-2003 05:49
by Trojan
wtg Insan00b, I never left SoP.... kthx.

Posted: 28-08-2003 15:01
by Hoju
Down to only 2 of the original 4 clans (SoP, RusH, L7, and NS), sad to see SoP gone

Posted: 29-08-2003 16:45
by BL44T
duuuuh :'(